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Radisson Hotel

Henrietta, NY

March 13, 2014


Jeffrey Adair, Monroe County and Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)

Allen G. Casey, City of Rochester At-Large

Daniel M. DeLaus, Jr., Monroe County At-Large

James Hoffman, Wayne County

Daniel Hogan, Monroe County At-Large

Tony LaFountain, Monroe County Supervisors Association

John F. Marren, Ontario County


Bill Bordeau, Seneca County representing Robert Hayssen

Bill Carpenter, Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA), representing James Redmond

Angela Ellis, Livingston County, representing Eric Gott

Tom Goodwin, Monroe County Planning Board, representing Linda A. Faubel

Daniel Hallowell, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), representing Joan McDonald

Norman Jones, City of Rochester, representing Lovely Warren

Edward G. Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation, representing Kenneth Adams

Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County Executive, representing Maggie Brooks

Douglas Tokarczyk, New York State Thruway Authority, representing Thomas J. Madison, Jr


A. Douglas Berwanger, Wyoming County

David B. Callard, Orleans County

Raymond Cianfrini, Genesee County

Dr. Timothy Dennis, Yates County

Joe Martens, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Jonathan McDade, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Loretta Scott, Rochester City Council

Marilyn Shazor, Federal Transit Administration (FTA)

Steven Urlass, Federal Aviation Administration

David L. Watson, Rochester City Planning Commission


Scott Adair, RGRTA

Lora Barnhill, NYSDOT-Region 4

Jody Binnix, GTC staff

Kevin Bush, NYSDOT-Region 4

Roy Galewski, Nixon Peabody

Scott Leathersich, Monroe County

Ken Miller, Wayne County

Richard Perrin, GTC staff

Christopher Reeve, NYSDOT-Region 4

James Stack, GTC staff

Robert Torzynski, GTC staff

David Zorn, G/FLRPC

1.                 Call to Order and Roll Call

Acting Chairperson James Hoffman called the meeting to order at 8:41 a.m.

James Stack, GTC staff, called the roll; a quorum was present.

2.                 Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

3.                 Election of Officers

Richard Perrin explained that, per the GTC By-laws, the Board must elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson from among its members every two years with both officer positions serving two-year terms. The last elections were held at the March 8, 2012 meeting. Accordingly, the first item of business today is to elect the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for the March 13, 2014 to March 10, 2016 term.

Prior to her departure as Chairperson of GTC at the end of 2013, Mary Pat Hancock appointed a Nominating Committee consisting of Angela Ellis, Andrea Guzzetta, and Terry Rice to offer a slate of officers for consideration at todays meeting.

Richard noted, as included in the meeting package, the candidates are James Hoffman, Chairman of the Wayne County Board of Supervisors, for the position of Chairperson and Jeffrey Adair, President of the Monroe County Legislature and Chairman of the Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council for Vice Chairperson.

Richard asked if any Members would like to nominate additional candidates for the offices of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for the March 13, 2014 to March 10, 2016 term.

No Members nominated additional candidates for the offices of Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson.

Terrence Rice moved to elect the nominated slate of candidates including James Hoffman as Chairperson and Jeffrey Adair as Vice Chairperson; John F. Marren seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

Chairperson Hoffman indicated the need to discuss the employment history of a particular individual.

Jeffrey Adair moved that the GTC Board enter into Executive Session to discuss the employment history of a particular individual; John F. Marren seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

At 8:45 a.m., the GTC Board entered into Executive Session. GTC Board Members and Alternates along with select individuals were asked to remain in attendance while others present were asked to leave the meeting room for the duration of the Executive Session. No action was taken during the Executive Session. At 9:07 a.m. the Executive Session was adjourned and those who previously left the meeting room were invited back for the remainder of the meeting.

4.                 Approval of Minutes

Daniel Hogan moved to approve the minutes from the December 12, 2013 Quarterly Meeting as presented; John F. Marren seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

5.                 Communications and Announcements

Richard Perrin provided the following communications and announcements:

         By his election as Chairman of the Genesee County Legislature, Raymond Cianfrini is now a Member of the GTC Board.

         By his election as Chairman of the Livingston County Board of Supervisors, Eric Gott is now a Member of the GTC Board; Chairman Gott has designated Angela Ellis as his Alternate.

         Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks has reappointed Daniel DeLaus and Daniel Hogan as her At-Large Designees to the GTC Board and Scott Leathersich and Chris Bollin as their respective Alternates.

         By his election as President of the Monroe County Supervisors Association, Anthony LaFountain is now a Member of the GTC Board.

         By her election as Mayor of the City of Rochester, Lovely Warren continues as a Member of the GTC Board albeit in a new capacity; Mayor Warren has designated Norman Jones as her Alternate.

         By her election as President of the Rochester City Council, Loretta Scott is now a Member of the GTC Board.

         City of Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren has reappointed Allen Casey as her At-Large Designee to the GTC Board and John Thomas as his Alternate.

         By his election as Chairman of the Yates County Legislature, Dr. Timothy Dennis is now a Member of the GTC Board, Chairman Dennis has designated Donald House as his Alternate.

         Robert Hayssen, Chairman of the Seneca County Board of Supervisors, has designated Bill Bordeau as his Alternate.

         By his appointment as the Regional Director of NYSDOT-Region 4, Kevin Bush is now the Secretary of the GTC Board.

Chairperson Hoffman welcomed the new members to the GTC Board.

6.                 Reports and Action on Old Business

a.      Planning Committee Report Scott Leathersich, Chairperson

Scott Leathersich provided the following report:

The Planning Committee met January 9 and February 13 and recommends that the GTC Board:

         Adopt the Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP);

         Accept various reports as evidence of completion of six UPWP tasks; and

         Adopt 22 amendments to the 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) as requested by Genesee Region Clean Communities, Monroe County, NYSDOT, RGRTA and Wayne County.

Additionally, the Planning Committee took the following action:

         Approved the Draft Fiscal Year 2014-2015 UPWP Project List for public review; and

         Approved seven administrative modifications to the 2014-2017 TIP as requested by Monroe County, NYSDOT, and Orleans County.

b.     GTC Staff Report Richard Perrin, Executive Director

Richard Perrin provided the following report:

FHWA and FTA must certify the GTC metropolitan planning process not less than every four years. The most recent certification began in late- 2012 with notification that joint Certification Review of the metropolitan transportation planning process for the Rochester Transportation Management Area (TMA) was being initiated and GTC staff provided FHWA and FTA with the information they requested. FHWA and FTA conducted the site visit component of the review in January 2013 and a public meeting was held in Rochester City Council Chambers during that time.

On February 21, GTC staff was notified that GTC has received a full certification with no corrective actions. This is the first time in at least the last 15 years that GTC has received a clean certification. Moreover, GTC received nearly 20 commendations along with several recommendations. Richard thanked the member agencies and the GTC staff for their commitment to working cooperatively and cost-effectively as it is the key to the organizations success.

GTC staff was requested to participate and are serving on several national initiatives, including creation of a guidebook on performance-based long range planning, incorporating reliability performance measures into the congestion management process, developing system management and operations processes at the state level, and integrating climate change emission estimation into regional and local planning. In addition, Richard (as the President of the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations) has participated in discussions with U.S. Senate staff and the White House Office of Management and Budget staff on implementation of changes to federal transportation policy and funding programs.

GTC staff is continuing the development of a three-year strategic plan, working now to incorporate the recommendations of the FHWA/FTA joint certification review. As noted at the December 12, 2013 Board meeting, the plan will focus on five Key Result Areas that encompass what GTC staff does and how its done: Strategic Direction, Concept Development, Investment Decisions, Customer Engagement, and Internal Operations. The plan will begin to be implemented beginning April 1 to coincide with the FY 2014-2015 UPWP.

GTC staff will also begin significant activities on the development of the next long range transportation plan and transportation improvement program in anticipation of bringing them to the Board for its consideration in June 2015. Public outreach efforts through the summer will occur to supplement data analysis for the next LRTP. The timeframe for the next TIP is being dictated by NYSDOT as our TIP cannot be advanced unless included in the statewide program. NYSDOT has recently informed GTC and other metropolitan planning organizations that it plans to update the statewide program in fall 2015.

c.      Old Business

Richard Perrin provided the following report:

As discussed at the December 12, 2013 meeting, 14 proposals requesting $10 million were submitted as part of the last and final round of the Transportation Enhancements Program (TEP). The TEP provides funding for projects that improve and support bicycling and walking with project selection made by NYSDOT-Main Office, with input from MPOs and NYSDOT regions. The timeframe for this round was much more condensed than previous ones, and required that the Planning Committee endorse the Regional Project Priorities List rather than the GTC Board. NYSDOT-Main Office announced the awards on January 15. This region received $4.7 million in funding, which allowed us to fully fund our top five projects:

         Elmwood Avenue/Collegetown Cycle Track (City of Rochester);

         Highland Crossing Trail (Town of Brighton/City of Rochester);

         Erie Canalway Trail West of NYS Route 414 (Village of Clyde);

         Downtown Perry Streetscape (Village of Perry); and

         Ellicott Trail (City and Town of Batavia).

The TEP was replaced in Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century by the Transportation Alternatives Program, which combined the TEP, Safe Routes to School Program, and Recreational Trail Program with an approximately 35 percent reduction in total funding. MAP-21 includes a provision that provides direct allocation of TAP funds to large MPOs, including GTC. The estimated direct allocation to GTC is approximately $480,000 per year for FFYs 2013 and 2014. NYSDOT will have approximately $28 million in each of those years for projects located anywhere in the state. The state has announced the availability of $50 million statewide. We expect to receive a total of approximately $3.6 million. The call for projects was issued on February 12 and applications are due June 11. Project sponsors must attend a webinar on the TAP and federal-aid requirements. Details are available on the GTC website or by contacting Bob Torzynski, the GTC Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager.

7. Action Items

a.      Proposed Resolution 14-1 Adopting the Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Unified Planning Work Program / Proposed Resolution 14-1

Terrence Rice moved to approve proposed Resolution 14-1; Daniel Hogan seconded the motion.

Richard Perrin explained that the UPWP is the annual program of federally-funded transportation planning projects to be undertaken in the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region between April 1 and March 31. It includes both the budget for GTC staff activities and transportation plans and studies conducted by member agencies and communities throughout the region. A draft of the document presenting the entire program was included in the meeting materials that were mailed to the GTC Board.

As in past years, GTC staff is proud of the fact that we are able to not only meet but exceed federal requirements for metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) using only a portion of the funds provided by FHWA and FTA. While other MPOs use all of their federal metropolitan planning just to complete their basic requirements, only approximately one-half of the federal transportation planning funds for this region will be dedicated to GTC staff activities. This allows nearly $1 million to be allocated for the transportation planning priorities of member agencies and communities in the region.

The FY 2014-2015 UPWP Call for projects was issued on Friday, September 13, 2013. An applicant workshop was held on Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at the Henrietta Town Hall. Nineteen proposals, requesting $1,222,400 in federal transportation planning funds, were received by the Friday, October 18, 2013 deadline. The 19 proposals were evaluated by GTC staff based on the information contained in the applications. The submitted proposals, an associated summary, and the evaluation form used by GTC staff were distributed to the UPWP Development Committee (UDC).

The UDC met on November 14, 26, and December 5, 2013 to review the proposals, discuss additional factors based on their professional judgment, and develop the draft FY 2014-2015 UPWP project list. That draft was approved for public review by the Planning Committee at its January 9 meeting. It was made available for public review from January 10 through February 10 on the GTC website and at the GTC office, county planning offices, the NYSDOT-Region 4 office, and the central repository libraries in Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, and Wayne Counties. No public comments were received.

Richard noted, consistent with federal requirements, that the UPWP must advance the regions long range transportation plan, some highlights of new and ongoing projects in the recommended draft FY 2014-2015 UPWP include:

         planning for circulation, accessibility, and streetscape improvements in the arts and public market district of the City of Rochester;

         developing a plan to create shovel ready sites for manufacturing and agricultural processing-related businesses in north-central Ontario County;

         continuing the identification of effective counter measures at high crash locations in Monroe County;

         identifying service improvements to RGRTA public transportation operations throughout the region;

         conducting traffic counts on local roadways in Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, Wyoming, and Yates Counties;

         continuing land use monitoring activities by Monroe County and the Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council that are integral to the development of future scenarios in transportation and land use plans;

         inventorying and identifying parking improvements in downtown Seneca Falls; and

         improving walking and bicycling in Brockport, Henrietta, and Pittsford, as well as several villages across the region.

All projects in the current UPWP (FY 2013-2014 UPWP) that are not anticipated to be completed by March 31 are rolled into the FY 2014-2015 UPWP. Per standard practice, GTC staff will present a UPWP budget amendment to the Board at its next meeting in June to account for activities completed in the fourth and final quarter of the current fiscal year.

The Planning Committee reviewed the FY 2014-2015 UPWP and recommended it for your approval at its February 13 meeting.

The motion passed unopposed.

b.     Accepting reports as evidence of completion of various UPWP tasks.

James Hoffman suggested considering Proposed Resolutions 14-2 through 14-7 in a single motion. No Member or Alternate objected.

Jeffrey Adair moved to approve Proposed Resolutions 14-2 through 14-7; Daniel Hallowell seconded the motion.

Richard Perrin discussed the following reports to be considered as evidence of completion of various UPWP tasks:

1.      Accepting the Irondequoit Seneca Trail Feasibility Study as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6523 / Proposed Resolution 14-2

2.      Accepting the Village of Webster Village Core Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking Study as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6807 / Proposed Resolution 14-3

3.      Accepting the executive summary, Urban Trail Linkages Eastman and Genesee Riverway Trails Planning and Preliminary Design Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6524 / Proposed Resolution 14-4

4.      Accepting Planning for Transportation and Climate Change: Model Ordinances, Incentives, and Other Resources as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 5292 / Proposed Resolution 14-5

5.      Accepting the Seneca County Safe Passing Zone Study as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6229 / Proposed Resolution 14-6

6.      Accepting Connect Livingston Linking Our Communities as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8160 / Proposed Resolution 14-7

The Planning Committee recommended the Irondequoit Seneca Trail Feasibility Study, Village of Webster Village Core Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking Study, and Urban Trail Linkages Study for your approval at its January 9, 2014 meeting. The Planning Committee recommended Planning for Transportation and Climate Change, the Seneca County Safe Passing Zone Survey, and Connect Livingston Linking our Communities for your approval at its February 13, 2014 meeting.

The motion passed unopposed.

Edward G. Muszynski asked who the consultant was for the Connect Livingston Linking our Communities Countywide plan.

Angela Ellis responded that C&S Companies along with Labella Associates and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. served as the consultant team.

c.      Proposed Resolutions 14-8 through 14-29 Amending the 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program

James Hoffman suggested considering the Proposed Resolutions 14-8 through 14-29 in a single motion. No Member or Alternate objected.

John F. Marren moved to approve Proposed Resolutions 14-8 through 14-29; Terrence Rice seconded the motion.

Richard Perrin discussed the proposed amendments to the 2014-2017 TIP, explaining the need for each and the offsets and other funding sources that would be applied to maintain fiscal constraint.

(1)         Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the STP-Flex Block Program project / Proposed Resolution 14-8

(2)         Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by adding the Westfall Road Reconstruction III
(E. Henrietta Rd - Lac de Ville Blvd) project / Proposed Resolution 14-9

(3)         Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the I-390 Rest Areas Sewer, Roof, and Water Line Work project / Proposed Resolution 14-10

(4)         Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the I-390 Rest Areas project / Proposed Resolution 14-11

(5)         Improvements @ Rt. 15 (Exit 16 Part 2) project / Proposed Resolution 14-12

(6)         Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the Rt. 947A (LOSP) Bridge over Salmon Creek project / Proposed Resolution 14-13

(7)         Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by deleting the I-490 Bridges over CSX (West Shore Line) project / Proposed Resolution 14-14

(8)         Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Route 5 Bridge over NFSRR & FLRR project / Proposed Resolution 14-15

(9)         Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Inner Loop Bridge over Brown's Raceway project / Proposed Resolution 14-16

(10)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by adding the I-490 Westbound Exit 4 to Exit 3 MbC project / Proposed Resolution 14-17

(11)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by adding the Elmwood Avenue/Collegetown Cycle Track project / Proposed Resolution 14-18

(12)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by adding the Highland Crossing Trail project / Proposed Resolution 14-19

(13)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by adding the Erie Canalway Trail West of NYS Route 414 project / Proposed Resolution 14-20

(14)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by adding the Downtown Perry Streetscape project / Proposed Resolution 14-21

(15)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by adding the Ellicott Trail project / Proposed Resolution 14-22

(16)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by deleting the Noble Road Bridge over Black Creek project / Proposed Resolution 14-23

(17)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the STP-Off System Bridge Block Program project / Proposed Resolution 14-24

(18)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the Mt. Hope Station project / Proposed Resolution 14-25

(19)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by changing the source of federal funds for a portion of the Replace 20 RTS Buses (2014) project / Proposed Resolution 14-26

(20)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Genesee Region Clean Comm. CMAQ Outreach & Implementation project / Proposed Resolution 14-27

(21)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the RTS Campus Improvement Project / Proposed Resolution 14-28

(22)     Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by adding the Two-way Conversion of St. Paul St. & North Clinton Ave. project / Proposed Resolution 14-29

Richard stated that Resolutions 14-8 through 14-29 were reviewed and recommended for GTC Board approval by the Planning Committee at its February 13 meeting.

The motion passed unopposed.

8. New Business

a.      Amending the 2014-2017 TIP by adding the Construction/Enhancement of Motts Lane Project Proposed Resolution 14-30

Jeffrey Adair moved to approve Proposed Resolution 14-30; Daniel M. DeLaus Jr. seconded the motion.

Richard Perrin distributed a copy of Proposed Resolution 14-30. He explained that the Town of Penfield recognized the need to add this project earlier this week, which did not allow for a review by the Planning Committee. It is similar to the Two-way Conversion of St. Paul St. and North Clinton Ave. project in that the project was awarded discretionary funds, which were not able to be obligated by the end of FFY 2013 and cannot be used for any other project. The TIP Development Committee did consider the request and recommends favorable action. The TDC is a subset of the Planning Committee that conducts the initial review of proposed changes to the program.

The motion passed unopposed.

Terrence Rice asked if the project includes a new traffic signal at Route 441. Tony LaFountain responded that a new traffic signal is not being planned.

Bill Carpenter noted that he replaced Richard Perrin as the Co-Chairman of the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Councils (FLREDC) Infrastructure and Transportation Workgroup. Infrastructure related project proposals seeking discretionary funding, not funding through the Consolidated Funding Application, that have been vetted and scored through the FLREDC are being viewed by Albany in a more favorable manner. At its meeting next week, the FLREDC will consider the merits of sending out a letter alerting project sponsors to the benefit of obtaining its support for such projects.

James Hoffman expressed appreciation to Jeffrey Adair for adjusting the G/FLRPC meetings to minimize scheduling conflicts.

9. Next Meeting

The next GTC Board meeting will be held on June 19, 2014 at the Radisson Hotel, 175 Jefferson Road in Henrietta.

10. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:53 a.m.