Planning Committee Meeting

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Event Date: 
Thursday, August 8, 2024 - 9:30am
CityPlace, 1st Floor Conference Room, 50 West Main Street, Rochester

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  1. Call to Order and Introductions
  2. Public Forum
  3. Approval of Minutes: May 23, 2024 Planning Committee meeting
  4. Announcements and Old Business
  1. Action Items
  1. Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
  1. Action concerning consideration of UPWP Project Scopes of Work 
  1. Task 8754 – Town of Gates Active Transportation Plan
  2. Task 8756 – Monroe County Active Transportation Implementation Plan
  3. Task 8757 – City of Rochester Alleyway Reactivation and Conversion Program
  1. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning accepting reports as evidence of completion of UPWP Tasks
  1. Regional Rural On-Demand Service Study (UPWP Task 8544) / Proposed Council Resolution 24-25
  1. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the FY 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program to reprogram the FY 2023-2024 rollover amounts / Proposed Council Resolution 24-26  
  1. Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
    1. Action concerning modifying the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP / Planning Committee Resolution 24-06
    2. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by adding projects awarded under the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ) / Proposed Council Resolution 24-27
    3. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by adding projects awarded under the BRIDGE NY Program (BNY) / Proposed Council Resolution 24-28
    4. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by reprogramming Large Culvert projects / Proposed Council Resolutions 24-29 through 24-37
    5. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP / Proposed Council Resolutions 24-38 through 24-52 
    6. Additional Administrative Modifications and TIP Amendments / Planning Committee Resolutions 24-07 through 24-08; Proposed Council Resolutions 24-53 through 24-54 
  2. Long Range Transportation Plan
    1. (No action items)
  3. Related Activities
    1. (No action items)

6. Reports

  1. Status of UPWP Projects  
  2. TIP Staff Modifications  
  3. Federal Legislative and Funding Update
  4. Other GTC matters
  5. Public Engagement Highlights
  6. Member Agency and other Partner Updates

7. New Business

  1. Action concerning identifying prioritized Critical Urban Freight Corridors for consideration for inclusion in National Highway Freight Network.  

8. Public Forum

9. Adjournment