GTC Planning Committee - Minutes

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Rochester City Hall

April 18, 2002


James Brady, Wayne County Highway Department

John Czamanske, Yates County Planning Department

Joan Dupont, NYSDOT Region 4

Steve Hendershott, Monroe County Supervisors Association

Kristen Mark Hughes (Committee Vice-Chairman), Ontario County Planning Department

Paul Howard, G/FLRPC

George Stam, City of Rochester

William Sullivan, City of Rochester

David Woods (Committee Chairman), Livingston County Planning Department


Mark Anduze representing Richard Garrabrant, NYS Thruway Authority


Deborah Elliott, GTC Staff

Erik Frisch, GTC Staff

Steve Gleason, GTC Staff

Tony Hubbard, City of Rochester

Marvin Kleinberg, NYSDOT Region 4

Brian Lakeman, GTC Staff

Sharon Lilla, Wayne County Planning Department

Jeff Mroczek, City of Rochester

Will Poppe, GFLRPC

Rob Slaver, NYSDOT Region 4

James Stack, GTC Staff

John Thomas, City of Rochester

Charles Walker, RGRTA

David Zorn, GFLRPC


S. William Baker, US EPA

Philip Brito, FAA

Glenn Cooke, Seneca County

Donald Cooley, Orleans County

Rocco DiGiovanni, Monroe County Planning

Stephen Ferranti, Member-At-Large, Monroe County

Glenn Guarino, Member-At-Large, Monroe County

Timothy Hens, Genesee County

John T. Hicks, NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation

Jonathan McDade, FHWA

Charles Nesbitt, Jr., Empire State Development

Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County DOT

Don Riley, RGRTA

Thomas Skoglund, Wyoming County Planning Department

William Smith, Monroe County Legislator

Larry Stid, City of Rochester

Clara Wallace-Douglas, FTA

(Vacant), Member-At-Large, City of Rochester

1. Call to Order

David Woods called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. Paul Howard, the immediate past Chairman of the Committee, was recognized with a round of applause by all in attendance for his years of service as Chairman.

2. Public Forum

No public comment was offered

3. Approval of Minutes

Kristin Mark Hughes made a motion for approval of the minutes from the March 21, 2002 Planning Committee meeting as submitted. William Sullivan seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

4. Reports and Action on Old Business

a. GTC Staff and Committee Reports

Steve Gleason reported on GTC Staff and Committee activities:

GTC is once again fielding a team for the Chase Corporate Challenge and is recruiting participants for the May 30 event

The FY 2002-2003 UPWP has been published. It was mailed to all GTC member agencies and, along with project disposition letters, to all those who proposed projects

The CMS Working Group met this morning. The Group reviewed the CMS development process and recent work undertaken by GTC staff and began discussion on the ranking of performance measures

Four proposals were received in response to the Route 14A Corridor Study (Yates County) RFP, though one proposal was disqualified for omitting the required forms. The selection committee will make a decision by April 26. John Czamanske noted that he is setting up a steering committee for the study

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has been invited to give a presentation on the inland port concept (as a follow-on to the Intermodal Freight Terminal Study)

The 30-day public review period for the draft Regional Trails Initiative ended on Tuesday, April 16. The Advisory Committee for the project met on April 9 and the Steering Committee will meet on April 30

The TIP Development Committee (TDC) met February 7 to discuss proposed TIP amendments. The next quarterly TDC meeting is scheduled for May 16. At this meeting the TDC will confirm the TIP process to be used in the next round, review the TEP process, and begin developing a TIP project tracking process. Proposed amendments to be reviewed at the May 16 TDC meeting must be received by GTC by May 3

A training session on ITS architecture is scheduled for May 1 for participants in the Port of Rochester ITS case study

Quarterly reports were received early from all agencies thank you!

b. Participating Agency Reports

Steve Gleason distributed copies of the Unified Planning Work Program Progress Report and reviewed the new reporting process that was agreed to at the March 21 Planning Committee meeting.

Monroe County

In the absence of Monroe County representatives, Steve Gleason gave brief updates on the Countys UPWP projects

Ontario County

Kristen Mark Hughes reported:

Work is continuing on the Route 332 Corridor Management Study

The current Routes 5&20 Corridor study (Hopewell to Seneca) is being closed out

Project scoping meetings for the new Routes 5&20 Corridor study (East Bloomfield to Lima) will be held in June (with the goal of having a scope of work for Planning Committee review in July)

The results of the Ontario CATS Bus System study are being finalized. The study should be completed within two months

Wyoming County

In the absence of Wyoming County representatives, Steve Gleason noted that GTC staff will be working with Tom Skoglund on the scope of work for Wyoming Countys Transportation Elements of Scenic/Historic Resources UPWP project (targeting completion in time for the July Planning Committee meeting)

Yates County

John Czamanske reported:

The Route 14A Corridor Study consultant selection process will be completed by April 26

City of Rochester

John Thomas reported:

The City is developing a scope of work for the Street Condition Rating Update Study (staffing issues have held up this project)

The City is negotiating an agreement with the consultant selected for the High Volume Bus Stop Pavement Management Study. Some preliminary inventory work has begun

The City will be making a presentation on the results of the Center City Way-Finding Signage Study later this meeting


David Zorn reported:

Work on the Rural County Land Use Monitoring project is progressing well (G/FLRPC is waiting for data from Monroe County)

A scope of work for the Main Street Transportation Tools study will be presented at the May 30 Planning Committee meeting

The scope of work for the Regional Atlas project will be presented later on at this meeting

The Regional Satellite Imagery and TMA TIGER File Enhancement projects are complete

The Transportation/Land Use Research project (also known as the Development Analysis project) is complete. The results are posted on G/FLRPCs web site. An executive summary will be ready for the May 30 Planning Committee meeting

The Regional Tourism Signage study is complete. A report on the study will be presented later this meeting


Chip Walker reported:

The Wayne and Wyoming Strategic Plan for Public Transportation studies are getting underway. Stuart I. Brown Associates is the consultant selected to undertake these studies

Other Agencies

Steve Gleason reported:

The consultant is collecting data for the Route 14 Truck Study in Geneva

The Town of Brighton is developing a scope of work for the Monroe Avenue/I-590 Interchange Study (targeting the May 30 Planning Committee meeting)

The Town of Greece is developing a scope of work for the Lexington Avenue Extension Study (targeting the July 18 Planning Committee meeting)

The scope of work for the Transportation Information Safety Analysis project will be presented at the July 18 Planning Committee meeting

David Woods asked about the geographic scope of the Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Study. Steve Gleason responded that the scope will be the nine-county region and that the study will need to grapple with the question of service to areas outside of the region.

David Woods asked if the proposed scope of work for the Regional Trails Initiative Phase 2 could be sent to the county planning offices for review and comment before it was finalized. Steve Gleason responded yes.


Joan Dupont had nothing to report

NYS Thruway Authority

Mark Anduze had nothing to report

Monroe County Association of Town Supervisors

Steve Hendershott had nothing to report

Wayne County

Jim Brady reported:

Two bridges on Maple Avenue in Palmyra will open next month

The Lake Road bridge (over Bear Creek) project will be put out to bid later this month

Livingston County

David Woods reported:

The Access Management case studies in Avon, Geneseo, and Mount Morris are wrapping up. The results have already proven useful to the Village of Avon

Livingston County is getting ready for the Routes 5&20 Corridor Study (which will include the sections of Routes 5&20 that are in the Town and Village of Lima )

Steve Gleason noted that GTC staff will modify the UPWP Progress Report to reflect these reports and will include the Progress Report in the mailing for the next Planning Committee meeting.

George Stam noted that the Ford Street Bridge received a national award for historic preservation from the American Public Works Association.

5. Planning Committee Action items

a. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Accepting the report, Regional Tourism Signage Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6300/Proposed Council Resolution 02-13

Will Poppe from the G/FLRPC staff gave a presentation on the Regional Tourism Signage Study. An executive summary was included in the package for this Planning Committee meeting. David Zorn noted that the full report is available on G/FLRPCs web site and that people looking for a paper copy should call him.

Steve Gleason asked whether signage appropriate for the Regional Trails Initiative was anticipated in the studys section on recreational signs. Will Poppe replied that yes, it was.

Kristen Mark Hughes asked about next steps and whether there would be outreach to tourism and economic development agencies. Will Poppe responded that the Tourism Promotion Agencies (TPAs) were partners in the process. David Zorn noted that the Economic Development Directors of each county were given an overview of the study.

Kristen Mark Hughes then asked how the studys results can be taken to the next level and whether adoption is required at the town level. Paul Howard suggested that adoption be handled on a sub-regional level (the east and west TPAs in the region) and noted that G/FLRPC could facilitate a meeting of the TPAs and NYSDOT

Paul Howard motioned to accept Proposed Council Resolution 02-13. William Sullivan seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

b. Recommendation to GTC Board concerning Accepting the report, Way-Finding Program for Center City Rochester Program Statement, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6310 / Proposed Council Resolution 02-14.

Tony Hubbard from the City of Rochester gave a presentation on the results of the study and presented some sample signs. He noted that the results reflect the outcome of meetings with stakeholders and NYSDOT and a design charrette. He also noted that the City is working on a contract for the final design of the signs and that the signs should be in place by sometime this fall.

Paul Howard asked whether there will be signage for corridor-type attractions such as ArtWalk. Tony Hubbard replied that such attractions will need to have their own signage.

David Woods asked whether attractions/venues in the City will be asked to modify their signage and promotional materials to reflect the results of this project. Tony Hubbard replied that they will be encouraged to do so.

William Sullivan motioned to accept Proposed Council Resolution 02-14. Joan Dupont seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

c. Approval of Regional Corridors Selection Process

Steve Gleason reviewed the changes made to the Regional Corridors Selection Process. He noted that the changes were based on comments put forth at the March 21 Planning Committee meeting and from written comments received by GTC.

Steve Gleason noted Kristen Mark Hughes recommendation that General Eligibility criterion number six (The project should not have been extensively studied previously) be removed. He clarified the intent of this criterion, noting it would not disqualify projects that build on the results of previous studies. Kristen Mark Hughes noted that he is not sure whether the criterion is needed (as the issue would be raised during the project selection process). Joan Dupont noted that NYSDOT is comfortable with the criterion as it is presented in the draft Process. Paul Howard noted that it will be incumbent on project proposers to demonstrate that a project goes beyond previous studies.

David Woods asked about the role of GTCs Congestion Management System (CMS) in the selection of Regional Corridors projects, noting that the draft language suggests that only projects in the CMS are eligible. Steve Gleason responded that this is not the intent of the language; the CMS will be used as a framework for identifying potential projects, but is not the only basis for identifying potential projects. Kristen Mark Hughes suggested some revised language to clarify this point.

Joan Dupont, commenting on the focus of this program being the TMA, noted that this program does not rule out normal corridor studies in future UPWPs.

Steve Gleason noted that GTC is trying to keep the selection process relatively informal and that project selection will rely on the professional judgment of the Planning Committee. He proposed some revisions to the project selection process:

The initial review of candidate projects would be done by members of the UPWP Development Committee, who would pass on their recommendations to the Planning Committee.

Three-page proposals for each project should be submitted to the GTC by May 9. These will be mailed to the UPWP Development Committee for their review at a May 16 UDC meeting. Any recommendations developed by the UDC at this meeting would then be passed on to the Planning Committee before the May 30 meeting.

Paul Howard motioned to approve the Regional Corridors Selection Process with a minor change to item 2 in the Project Selection section. John Thomas seconded.

Kristin Mark Hughes motioned to amend the Regional Corridors Selection Process to delete General Eligibility criterion number six. The motion failed for lack of a second.

The original motion passed unopposed.

d. Approval of UPWP Project Scope(s) of Work; Task 5810 - Regional Atlas

David Zorn reviewed the scope of work for the Regional Atlas project.

Marvin Kleinberg asked about the $15,000 in private funding listed in the budget section of the scope. David Zorn responded that G/FLRPC will solicit funds from private sources to cover the cost of printing the Atlas. Steve Gleason noted that this is not considered to be part of the match for this project.

John Czamanske suggested that the CD-ROM version of the Regional Atlas be made available to libraries in the region.

John Thomas motioned to approve UPWP Project Scope(s) of Work: Task 5810 Regional Atlas. Kristen Mark Hughes seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

6. Planning Committee Information Items

a. Local Match Reporting System

Steve Gleason noted that GTC would like to expand the regular reporting of local match beyond those agencies who are already doing so. He noted that GTC has developed a simple reporting system for this, and that he will be sending out a letter explaining the new process. GTC staff will be available to meet with agency staff to review the new process.

7. New Business

David Zorn handed out brochures for the upcoming Local Government Workshop.

Kristen Mark Hughes noted that Ontario County, in reviewing its budget, is targeting cuts to its independent agency budget (e.g., for staff to attend GTC and G/FLRPC meetings). He asked whether any other counties are experiencing similar problems. Sharon Lilla noted that word of the Ontario County action has raised comments in Wayne County.

8. Next Meeting

The next Planning Committee meeting will be held on May 30, 2002 at the NYSDOT Region 4 office building at 10:00 a.m.

9. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.