The Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a systematic approach to traffic congestion management that identifies congested locations, analyzes the reasons why congestion occurs, and recommends strategies to reduce the impacts of congestion on the movement of people and goods within Transportation Management Areas (TMA), which are metropolitan areas with a population greater than 200,000 people.
GTC, as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the nine-county Genesee-Finger Lakes Region, is required by federal legislation (Title 23, Section 450.320 of the United States Code) to develop and implement a CMP for the Rochester TMA. The requirements set out by the federal legislation and its associated guidance reflect the concept that congestion management is a continually ongoing process that must be closely integrated into broader regional transportation planning activities to achieve maximum effectiveness.
GTC met these legislative requirements and accomplished this integration by including a section on congestion management in the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) 2035. Adopted by the GTC Board in June 2011, the LRTP 2035 provides the strategic framework for transportation system policy, planning, and investment decisions in the region. It includes a section on congestion management that identifies congested locations, delay typologies, mitigation strategies, and performance measures for monitoring congestion trends.
The CMP Technical Documentation expands and enhances the congestion management-related material provided in the LRTP 2035. The CMP Technical Documentation consists of a discussion of the CMPs basis in federal legislation, an assessment of the three delay typologies (Recurring Capacity-Related Delay, Planned Event-Related Delay, and Non-Recurring Incident Related Delay) that impact travel in the Rochester TMA, a discussion of the performance measures and data sources that will be used to inform congestion management activities, an overview of congested locations in the TMA, an in-depth discussion of the 25 LRTP recommendations that include a congestion management component, and lastly a toolbox of congestion management strategies that provide member agencies with a variety of options for addressing congestion both within and outside the TMA.
The CMP Technical Documentation was reviewed by the Transportation Management Committee and the Planning Committee, and was approved by the GTC Board on June 20, 2013.
GTC Congestion Management Process (CMP) Technical Documentation