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Rochester City Council Chambers

30 Church Street, Rochester

May 14, 2015



Mark Assini, Monroe County Supervisors Association

Thomas Beck, Monroe County At-Large

Erik Frisch, City of Rochester At Large

Todd Gadd, Wyoming County

Andrea Guzzetta, Rochester City Council

Daniel Hallowell, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)-Region 4

Timothy Hens, Genesee County

Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At-Large (Chairperson)

Terrence Rice, Monroe County

Kevin Rooney, Wayne County

C. Mitchell Rowe, Rochester City Planning Commission

Bill Wright, Ontario County


Rochelle Bell, Monroe County Planning Board, representing Thomas Goodwin

David Cook, Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA), representing Bill Carpenter

Don Higgins, representing Angela Ellis

James McIntosh, representing Norman Jones


Maria Chau, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Robert J. Colby, Monroe County

William Eick, Orleans County

Roy Gates, Seneca County

David Hartman, Yates County

Edward Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation

Douglas J. Tokarczyk, NYS Thruway Authority

Steven Urlass, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

David Zorn, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)

(Vacant), Federal Transportation Administration (FTA)

(Vacant), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)



Josh Artuso, City of Rochester

Brock Bafford, RGRTA

Mark Ballerstein, RGRTA

Doug Benson, City of Rochester

Jacquie Billings-Barlow, Perry Main Street Assoc.

Joseph Bovenzi, GTC staff

Ryan Fitzsimmons, Perry Main Street Association

Sage Gerling, City of Geneva

Kerry Ivers, Town of Irondequoit

Dennis Judson, Fisher Associates

David Keefe, GRCC

Joel Kleinberg, NYSDOT-Region 4

David Lindsay, Town of Chili

Erin McCormick, RGRTA

Elizabeth Murphy, FLHSA

Richard Perrin, GTC staff

Christopher Reeve, NYSDOT-Region 4

Dan Savage, Passero Associates

James Stack, GTC staff

Jayme Thomann, G/FLRPC

John Thomas

Patrick Waterman, Wendel Companies




1. Call to Order & Introductions

Scott Leathersich, Planning Committee Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. Members, Alternates, and others present introduced themselves.

2. Public Forum

John Thomas stated that in 2013 he requested the Planning Committee consider providing bus stop seating. At that time he was told that bus stop seating would be addressed as part of UPWP Task 8539, the Bus Stop Optimization Study. He explained that public transit is the only transportation mode that requires users to stand while waiting for service. He stated that the Bus Stop Optimization Study did not address bus stop seating and encouraged the Planning Committee to reject the study as incomplete. However, if the Planning Committee adopted the study, he encouraged the committee to support a future UPWP project that would look at providing bus stop seating. He suggested that RGRTA should be the lead agency for this project and should develop community partnerships aimed at enhancing bus stop amenities.

3. Approval of Minutes

Terry Rice moved for approval of the minutes from the February 12, 2015 Planning Committee meeting; Erik Frisch seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as presented.

4. Action Items-Part I

Scott Leathersich noted that NYSDOT has two additional TIP amendments to add to the agenda. These will be added to Item 6.b. on the agenda.

a.      Action concerning classifying 2015-2016 Unified Planning Work Program tasks in accordance with the GTC Public Participation Plan (GTC staff)

Richard Perrin reported that the GTC Public Participation Plan (Plan) requires that Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)-funded projects establish public input opportunities. In accordance with the Plan, GTC staff must recommend to the Planning Committee a classification for each UPWP-funded task.

The classification for each task must be one of three categories: Administrative, Technical/Data Collection, or Planning/Policy. The Planning Committee must concur on the classification of every task.

UPWP-funded tasks that are classified as Administrative or Technical/Data Collection do not require any additional public input. UPWP-funded tasks that are classified as Planning/Policy typically require a public input component that must be discussed in the Scope of Work submitted for Planning Committee Approval.

GTC staff has reviewed and is recommending classifications for tasks new to the FY 2015-2016 UPWP. Justifications for the GTC staff recommendations are provided in the meeting package.

Bill Wright moved to recommend the 2015-2016 Unified Planning Work Program Project List tasks in accordance with the GTC Public Participation Plan; Dan Hallowell seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

Richard stated that the classification of new UPWP projects must occur every time a new UPWP is adopted. He noted that the draft UPWP that is considered by the Planning Committee in February includes a recommended classification that is then presented separately to the Planning Committee after the UPWP is adopted. Richard recommended that, in the future, the classification of new projects be considered as part of the draft UPWP, which would eliminate the need for separate action and allow project sponsors to develop Scopes of Work for consideration sooner. No Member or Alternates objected to this recommendation.

b.     Action concerning consideration of UPWP Project Scopes of Work

Richard Perrin explained that item 4.b.2, Task 5242 Regional Transportation and Food Systems Analysis, would be postponed until later in the agenda. This item will be presented by Jayme Thomann from G/FLRPC and she is expected to arrive at the meeting later due to a scheduling conflict.

Scott Leathersich suggested grouping items 4.b.1. and 4.b.3 through 4.b.9 under one action. No Member or Alternate objected.

1.      Task 5241 Advancing Health-Informed Transportation Decision Making (Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency)

Elizabeth Murphy presented the Scope of Work for Task 5241. This project will build regional knowledge and capacity for analyzing the health impacts of transportation decisions in the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region.

Richard Perrin commented that GTC is excited to work with the Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency on this project. Health is an area that transportation has not been as integrated with as it can or should be. Additionally, funding from non-transportation sources may be available for transportation projects if they can demonstrate a benefit to public health.

3.      Task 5901 Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional TSMO Strategic Plan
(GTC staff)

Joseph Bovenzi presented the Scope of Work for Task 5901. This project will develop a regional Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) strategic plan that examines current Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) deployments and interagency coordination initiatives relative to desired capabilities and functions and provides recommendations to fill any gaps. The Regional ITS Architecture will also be updated as part of this project.

4.      Task 6212 Monroe County Guiderail Inventory Program
(Monroe County)

Terry Rice presented the Scope of Work for Task 6212. This project will collect field information on all guiderail systems owned by Monroe County to create an inventory, review the inventory to determine where existing guiderail meets or doesnt meet current design and safety standards, and prioritize improvements and replacements of guiderail. A report on the condition of the Monroe County guiderail system will be prepared.

5.      Task 6361 City of Rochester Monroe Avenue Parking Study
(City of Rochester)

Mitch Rowe presented the Scope of Work for Task 6361. The objective of this study is to evaluate parking along the Monroe Avenue Corridor in the City of Rochester. The study will develop a series of recommendations to improve the corridors parking policies, programs, and resources for area residents, businesses, visitors, and other stakeholders. The study will consider transit, bicycle, and pedestrian solutions to address parking concerns in the corridor.

6.      Task 6528 Silver Lake Trail Feasibility Study (Village of Perry)

Ryan Fitzsimmons presented the Scope of Work for Task 6528. This project will develop and evaluate concepts and alternative route scenarios for the development of a trail connecting Letchworth State Park and the Genesee Valley Greenway to Silver Lake via the Silver Lake Outlet, as well as enhancements to existing trailside amenities and opportunity areas such as the public beach.

7.      Task 8516 City of Rochester Zoning for Transportation Choice
(City of Rochester)

Mitch Rowe presented the Scope of Work for Task 8516. This project will revise the text and map of the City of Rochesters zoning code to incentivize land use patterns which support increased use of alternative modes of transportation by residents of neighborhoods surrounding Clifford, Hudson, Joseph, Portland, and South Plymouth Avenues.

Richard Perrin commented that, on May 5, GTC staff met with representatives of Reconnect Rochester and the Rochester Cycling Alliance to discuss establishing a potential bikeshare system. One of the concerns raised is the visibility of bicycle docking stations. Richard suggested this issue may be a consideration under this project and, possibly Task 6361.

Erik Frisch responded that the bikeshare concept is being explored by the City and he is hopeful that both City of Rochester plans funded in the FY 2015-2016 UPWP (Tasks 6361 and 8516) can take it into consideration.

8.      Task 8765 Geneva Active Transportation Plan (City of Geneva)

Sage Gerling presented the Scope of Work for Task 8765. This project will develop an active transportation plan to improve the physical infrastructure for pedestrian and bicycle travel by residents and visitors, including recreational and commuter connections to destinations such as the Seneca Lake waterfront, downtown and other commercial areas, larger employers, schools (including Hobart and William Smith Colleges), and existing multi-use trail networks.

9.      Task 8766 Town of Irondequoit Active Transportation Plan
(Town of Irondequoit)

Kerry Ivers presented the Scope of Work for Task 8766. This project will develop a plan to understand current and future needs and identify strategies to better accommodate bicycle, pedestrian, and transit-oriented travel to, from, and through the Town. This plan is a recommendation of the Towns recently-adopted comprehensive plan.

Terry Rice moved to approve the UPWP Project Scopes of Work for Tasks 5241, 5901, 6212, 6361, 6528, 8516, 8765, and 8766 as presented; Bill Wright seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

c.      Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning accepting the Bus Stop Optimization Study as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8539 / Proposed Council Resolution 15-27 (RGRTA)

David Cook introduced Dan Savage from Passero Associates, the lead consultant on the project. He also introduced RGRTA staff members Mark Ballerstein and Erin McCormick who were also present to help answer any questions that the committee might have.

Dan Savage discussed the projects methodology, findings, and recommendations. He explained that the study identified seven bus stops per mile in urban areas and five bus stops per mile in non-urban areas as the optimum density of bus stops. The study recommends removing 27 percent of all bus stops, or about 900 stops in total. Some bus stops will be relocated.

Mark Assini stated that the Town of Gates is preparing to make sidewalk accessibility improvements in the vicinity of two bus stops along NYS Route 33 (Buffalo Road). He asked if those two stops would remain or be removed, adding that it would not make sense for the Town to make these improvements if the stops would be removed. Dan Savage replied that he would investigate and follow up with the Town as to the status of those specific stops; he noted that the bus route itself would remain.

Terry Rice asked about how the recommended changes will impact on-street parking in the vicinity of bus stops. Dan Savage explained that RGRTA can work on this issue during the implementation phase. Mark Ballerstein stated that RGRTA will coordinate changes to bus stop locations and on-street parking in the vicinity of those locations with Monroe County and the City of Rochester.

Erik Frisch commented that a statement should be added to the Implementation section of the final report stating that RGRTA will work with the City of Rochester and Monroe County to identify and implement any changes to parking restrictions caused by bus stop removals. Mark Ballerstein agreed.

Terry Rice asked why consideration of bus stop seating was not included or, if this consideration was originally included in the Scope of Work, why it was not included in the final report. Mark Ballerstein responded that the inventory includes the existing amenities at each bus stop, including seating. He explained that RGRTA does not have the funding to add benches at all bus stops, but is very supportive of working with partners to install bus stop seating where it is desired.

Erik Frisch stated that RGRTA is the logical lead agency for a follow-up project that would investigate bus stop seating in greater detail.

Terry Rice asked about the status of the community-based effort by Reconnect Rochester to install cube seats at bus stops. Mark Ballerstein indicated that he was unsure of the status of this effort. Erik Frisch stated that the City of Rochester is working on design standards with Reconnect Rochester. Rochelle Bell noted that there could be opportunities for business and community groups to sponsor bus stop seating. David Cook stated that RGRTA is willing to look at opportunities to partner with private and community groups to provide bus stop seating, and that issues related to advertising and aesthetics need to be considered.

Richard Perrin commented that the final report addresses tasks in the Planning Committee-approved scope of work regarding amenities, including seating.

Kevin Rooney moved to recommend that the GTC Board adopt Proposed Council Resolution 15-27 with the addition of the Implementation note to the Executive Summary discussed above; David Cook seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

5. Report and Action on Old Business

a.      Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities


Richard Perrin reported:

         GTC Strategic Planning: The deadline for submitting comments on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for the National Performance Management Measures for pavements and bridges was extended to May 8. A meeting of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) Working Group of the NYS Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) was held April 21 to discuss this NPRM. GTC staff worked with both the national AMPO and NYSAMPO to develop and submit comments to the docket. GTC staff reviewed and commented on a letter from associations serving local interests to the Chairpersons and Rankling Members of the Senate Environment and Public Works and House Transportation and Infrastructure Committees regarding distributing a greater portion of Surface Transportation Program funds based on population. GTC staff has also begun initial assessment of potential Business Intelligence/Data Warehousing applications and are assisting RIT with a National Science Foundation proposal related to a data quality and security framework proof of concept for collection of information on performance and condition of transportation infrastructure and services.

         Regional Traffic Count Collection: Counts have begun in Seneca, Wayne, and Wyoming Counties. With the exception of limited seasonal counts, work for Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, and Yates Counties are complete. GTC staff is working with NYSDOT to have the data included in NYSDOT's online Traffic Viewer.

Kevin Rooney explained that at several locations in Wayne County crews have had to move traffic count collection hoses to the side of the road due to paving and sealing projects. He informed the consultant when this happened.

         LRTP Update/Implementation: Will be discussed under item 5.b.2.

         Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Critical Transportation Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment: The technical memoranda presenting and discussing the inventory of existing conditions and hazard extents were revised based on Steering Committee feedback. GTC staff has provided comments on the initial draft vulnerability assessment scoring methodology, which will be provided to the Steering Committee by the end of the month.

         Advancing Health-Informed Transportation Decision Making: The Scope of Work was approved earlier in the meeting.

         Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional TSMO Strategic Plan: The Scope of Work was approved earlier in the meeting.

         Diversion Route Planning Initiative: GTC staff provided the draft document to the Steering Committee on April 1. Comments are being incorporated into a revised draft. Presentation to the Planning Committee is expected this summer.

         Congestion Management Process (CMP): GTC staff is continuing the review and assessment of potential travel time reliability performance measures for incorporation in the LRTP 2040. The current version of the CMP is included in the LRTP 2035 that was adopted by the Board on June 16, 2011. The CMP Technical Documentation report that expands on the information included in the LRTP 2035 was accepted by the GTC Board at its June 20, 2013 meeting.

         Greater Rochester Regional Commuter Choice Program: GTC staff will restart work on the awareness campaign, including implementing a social media campaign and reaching out to large employers this summer and fall.

         Travel Time Data Collection Program: GTC staff developed and advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) on March 25 with responses due April 17. Twelve RFQ packages were sent to potential vendors. One response was received and, upon review, it was determined that the sole respondent, INRIX, fully met all of the desired qualifications. Execution of the multi-year contract is anticipated within the next two weeks.

         Regional Mobility Management Business Planning: GTC staff is working with the Livingston County Transportation Advisory Committee on the development of an online portal for social service agencies to better coordinate and more fully utilize human service transportation programs.

         Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Trails Initiative Update: The inventory of existing conditions and gap analysis were finalized in February and draft recommendations were provided to the Steering Committee in March. The second round of public meetings were held April, 11, 13, and 15. The Steering Committee is reviewing public input received and making any final changes to the draft recommendations. Presentation to the Planning Committee is expected this summer.

         Regional Walkability Improvement Program: The windshield surveys and walkability audits have been completed for all ten communities. Work is continuing on the draft reports for each community for review by the local Steering Committees.

         Rochester Area Bike Sharing Program Study: The project was accepted by the GTC Board at its March 12 meeting. GTC staff met with Reconnect Rochester and Rochester Cycling Alliance members on May 5 to discuss next steps.


Richard Perrin reported:

         Regional Land Use Monitoring Report: The draft report and executive summary have been provided to GTC staff for review.

         Inventory and Mapping of Regional Land Use Regulations: The report is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 11, 2014 meeting.

         Regional Rights-of-Way Study: Inventory of abandoned ROWs, draft mapping, initial feedback on rating system, stakeholder input, and preliminary analysis of identified ROWs are currently underway.

         Regional Transportation and Food Systems Analysis: The Scope of Work will be presented later in the meeting.

         Regional Viewshed Inventory and Analysis: All sites have been identified and the windshield survey, site inventory, and digital site photos are complete. Work is continuing on the development of GIS base maps, initial documentation of inventory and analysis methodology, and a matrix of regulatory and non-regulatory means of preserving views. The second protecting scenic resources/viewsheds session is being held today at the Regional Local Government Workshop.

         Regional Atlas: The Atlas is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its June 19, 2014 meeting.

Livingston County

Richard Perrin reported:

         Dansville Transportation and Commercial & Industrial Access Study: The consultant provided the latest draft of the report and executive summary to the Steering Committee on May 11.

Monroe County

Rochelle Bell reported:

         Monroe County Land Use Monitoring: All survey responses have been received and staff is preparing the draft report.

Terry Rice reported:

         Monroe County Guiderail Inventory Program: The Scope of Work was approved earlier in the meeting.

        Monroe County High Accident Location Program: A new set of Priority Investigation Locations (PIL) has been identified. There are 35 new locations and eight locations carried over from the previous list. Some of the locations on the previous list have been removed due to favorable accident history.

Ontario County

Richard Perrin reported:

         Ontario County Freight Corridor Development Plan: The Consultant Selection Committee selected Fisher Associates with Highland Planning and VHB as the preferred consultant. Ontario County executed the contract in April.

City of Rochester

Erik Frisch reported:

        City of Rochester Monroe Avenue Parking Study: The Scope of Work was approved earlier in the meeting.

         JOSANA Trail Feasibility Study: An Advisory Committee meeting was held on April 9 to review bridge condition reports and concept-level cost estimates. The Draft Final Report was distributed in April, comments were received April 28, and revisions are currently being made. The study is anticipated to be presented for close out in July.

         Rochester East Main Arts & Market District Plan: The first public meeting was held on March 10; it was very well attended with considerable public interest in the corridor. A second round of stakeholder interviews was conducted in April with more to come this month. Alternatives are being developed by the consultant team for Advisory Committee review later this month. The second public meeting is planned for mid- to late-June.

         Mt. Read Boulevard Corridor Study: The study is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its December 11, 2014 Meeting.

        City of Rochester Zoning for Transportation Choice: The Scope of Work was approved earlier in the meeting.

        Rochester Bicycle Boulevard Plan: The Draft Final Report and concept priority route plans were reviewed internally. The consultant is currently making revisions and hopes to distribute a revised draft to the Advisory Committee next week. The study is anticipated to be presented for close out in July.


David Cook reported:

         RGRTA Regional Operational Service Audit: No progress to report.

         RTS Route Overhaul and Refinement Analysis: RTS Monroe launched the new Route 25 (Thurston/MCC) on May 4. Service has been extended to Brighton Henrietta Town Line Road. RTS Monroe expects to implement a major change to its service in Henrietta in September. RTS Monroe will be reviewing potential changes to its Joseph Avenue route next.

        Bus Stop Optimization Study: The project was presented for close-out earlier in the meeting.

        Rochester Area Vanpool Feasibility Study: A steering committee and several stakeholder meetings have been held. A public outreach and awareness effort, including a community survey, was launched the week of May 11.

Richard Perrin noted that the Monroe County Aging Alliance was made aware of the survey.

Other Agencies

Richard Perrin reported:

         Downtown Seneca Falls Parking and Improvement Study: The contract was executed on April 1. The inventory of existing conditions is being prepared. The first Steering Committee meeting was held on April 24 and initial public outreach will be conducted on May 16 as part of the Seneca Falls Arts Walk festival.

         Hojack Trail Feasibility Study: The Steering Committee kickoff meeting was held on May 13.

         Silver Lake Trail Feasibility Study: The Scope of Work was approved earlier in the meeting.

         East Rochester Transportation Improvement Study: The project was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 11, 2014 meeting.

         Village of Scottsville Zoning Code Update: A memorandum assessing the current zoning code was distributed to the Steering Committee on March 19. The second Steering Committee meeting was held on March 24 and a public design workshop is scheduled for May 28.

         NYS Route 250 Transit Supportive Mixed Use Development District: The Steering Committee met on April 7 and town staff are making revisions to the draft manual based on that meeting.

         Town of Penfield Transit Supportive Mixed Use Development District: The Town of Penfield has decided not to advance this project at this time, preferring to see what the results of the Transit Supportive Mixed Use Development District project are before proposing more revisions to their codes.

         Village of Brockport Active Transportation Plan: The first public meeting was held on April 9.

         Town of Henrietta Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Plan: The Steering Committee met on March 17 and the first public meeting was held on March 26 with the second public meeting scheduled for June 9.

         Pittsford Active Transportation Plan: A meeting to review the scope and discuss areas of emphasis was held on March 6.

         Geneva Active Transportation Plan: The Scope of Work was approved earlier in the meeting.

         Town of Irondequoit Active Transportation Plan: The Scope of Work was approved earlier in the meeting.

         Town of Greece Active Transportation Plan: The project was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 11, 2014 meeting.

         Town of Perinton Active Transportation Plan: The draft recommendations are being revised based on initial Steering Committee comments.

David Lindsay reported:

         Town of Chili Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Study: The final Steering Committee meeting was held on May 7 and the final revisions to the report are being made.

b.     Any Other Old Business or Announcements

Richard Perrin provided the following communications and announcements:

         Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks has re-designated Daniel Hogan and designated William Napier as the Countys At-Large Members of the GTC Board and re-designated Chris Bollin and Scott Leathersich as their respective Alternates.

         Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren has re-designated Allen Casey as the Citys At-Large Member of the GTC Board and John Thomas as his Alternate.

         By his appointment as President and CEO of Empire State Development Corporation, Howard Zemsky is a Member of the GTC Board.

         By his appointment as Acting Executive Director of the New York State Thruway Authority, Robert Megna is a Member of the GTC Board.

1.      Federal Legislative and Funding Update

Richard Perrin reported that on August 8, 2014, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), the current federal surface transportation authorizing legislation, was extended through May 31 at funding levels that are the same as the two previous Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs).

Congress is currently deliberating an extension. The length of the extension is being debated with the two most likely options being two months (July 31) or seven months (December 31). An extension through the end of the calendar year has the support of the House of Representatives leadership and the Senate Finance Chairman. It would require a $10-$11 billion infusion into the Highway Trust Fund.

The two-month extension is being favored by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. The Chairman and Ranking Member issued a joint statement yesterday announcing that the committee is planning a mark-up in June of a bipartisan, six-year surface transportation reauthorization bill.

The last day of business for both chambers before the extension expires is one week from today.

On May 13, the House Appropriations Committee approved the Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development bill. This includes $71.5 billion in spending authority for the USDOT for FFY 2016. The House bill includes $100 million for the USDOT discretionary TIGER account, which is a $400 million cut from FFY 2015. In the past, the Senate has always restored funding to TIGER when the bills are reconciled. However, with Republicans running the Senate there is no guarantee that funding will be restored. Funding for highways and transit remain at the same levels as the current year. These levels could be adjusted if the authorizing committees pass an extension of MAP-21 or a new bill.

                                                  i.            Federal Transit Administration Section 5310-Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities Program Project Solicitation, Evaluation, and Selection

Richard Perrin reported that the FTA Section 5310 program provides funding for projects that improve mobility for seniors and persons with disabilities. In the past, FTA Section 5310 funds have been awarded for the purchase of vehicles by not-for-profit agencies (e.g., county ARCs, Medical Motor Service, etc.). Going forward there will be an opportunity to award FTA Section 5310 program funds to mobility management initiatives. Mobility management focuses on meeting the needs of individuals by matching their travel needs with appropriate providers via a single point of contact. Mobility management continues to grow as a priority for regional public and not-for-profit human service agencies and transportation providers as it improves the customer experience and cost-effectively utilizes existing vehicles and services.

In previous years, NYSDOT conducted the solicitation for the FTA Section 5310 program for all areas of the State as the funds were directly apportioned from FTA to NYSDOT. On July 6, 2012, legislation entitled Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) was signed into law. A provision in MAP-21 resulted in the direct apportionment of funds from FTA to large urbanized areas (i.e., areas with an urban population of 200,000 or greater). Given NYSDOTs experience with the FTA Section 5310 program and their offer to continue to administer the program, all of the metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in the State representing large urbanized areas selected NYSDOT as the Designated Recipient. GTC did so for the Rochester Urbanized Area on June 20, 2013 via Resolution 13-60. NYSDOT is also the Designated Recipient for the remainder of the state, excluding Tompkins County.

The solicitation for FFYs 2013, 2014, and 2015 was issued by NYSDOT on April 30 with applications due June 8. NYSDOT has scheduled a workshop for applicants that will be held on May 14 at the NYSDOT-Region 4 offices from 10 a.m. to noon. Funds allocated to the Rochester Urbanized Area total approximately $2.1 for these three years. Beginning in September 2013, the status of the FTA Section 5310 program and the funds authorized in MAP-21 has been a standing item on the New York State Association of MPOs bi-weekly teleconferences.

As with all TIP projects that are solicited through an open call, GTC and NYSDOT-Region 4 staffs will conduct the preliminary rankings of the applications. Unfortunately, the expedited timeline for this process requires that project selection for FFY 2013 be done at the June 18 GTC Board meeting. This means that either a special Planning Committee meeting must be held in June to provide a recommendation to the GTC Board at that time or, if the Planning Committee is comfortable doing so, the TIP Development Committee could provide the recommendation to the GTC Board.

The Planning Committee concurred with allowing the TIP Development Committee to deliberate via email and provide a recommendation to the GTC Board.

2.      Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2040 Update

Richard Perrin noted that, as previously reported, GTC staff has completed the first round of customer engagement for the Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2040 (LRTP 2040), having held two public open houses to supplement GTC staff having a booth at 13 different venues across the region during the summer and fall. In addition, a survey on opportunities and issues was developed with approximately 100 responses received.

A second round of customer engagement was conducted between January 5 and March 13, which included a survey on priorities for future investments, to which nearly 100 responses were received, and a separate survey for freight-related businesses (e.g. manufacturers/ shippers, carriers, and receivers).

GTC staff are working on developing the draft of the LRTP 2040 document for Planning Committee review. This draft was originally intended to be provided to the Planning Committee at its April 9 meeting but the issuance of the final rule for implementing the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for ground level ozone has resulted in GTC having additional time to adopt the LRTP 2040.

The Rochester area did not meet (i.e., was in nonattainment of) the 1997 NAAQS for ground-level ozone, and nonattainment areas are required to update their LRTP every four years. The 2008 NAAQS for ground level ozone is a more stringent standard (.075 ppm versus .08 ppm) than the 1997 one, but the Rochester area meets this one primarily due to actions taken in the Midwest over the last several years. As a result of the implementation of the 2008 NAAQS effective April 6, the 1997 NAAQS is revoked. This means that the Rochester area is in attainment of the current standard -- attainment areas have up to five years to update their LRTP. The LRTP will continue to include performance measures related to ground-level ozone precursors; utilizing the latest version of MOVES (the Environmental Protection Agency's emission estimation software).

As a result, the next GTC LRTP is not due until June 2016; rather than June 2015. However, GTC staff are progressing on a schedule that would allow the Planning Committee to consider the draft LRTP 2040 document this summer and make it available for public review with GTC Board consideration at either the September or December 2015 meeting.

Currently, the Unified Planning Work Program must be adopted in March because it takes effect April 1. The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) must be adopted in June so that it can be processed and included in the Statewide TIP (STIP), because the STIP takes effect October 1. GTC Board adoption of LRTPs in September or December ensures that the necessary policies are in place to guide investment decisions for both of the other federally-required products.

3.      Functional Classification of Roadways in the Rochester Metropolitan Planning Area Update

Richard Perrin reported that the Planning Committee recommended GTC Board adoption of Resolution 15-3, Updating the Functional Classification of Roadways within the Rochester Metropolitan Planning Area, at its February 12 meeting. The resolution was presented to the GTC Board at its March 12 meeting. Brighton Supervisor William Moehle, President of the Monroe County Supervisors Association, expressed concern that perhaps not enough Town Supervisors have been made aware or have had a chance to review the proposed changes and consider them within a local context. He noted that he does not feel the proposed classification change of Elmwood Avenue in Brighton from Minor Arterial to Principal Arterial, for example, is necessary when compared to Hylan Drive (also recommended for Principal Arterial status). The resolution was tabled and Richard agreed to meet with and discuss Functional Classification and the proposed changes with the Monroe County Supervisors Association prior to the GTC Board reconsidering the resolution.

6. Action Items-Part II

d.      Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the FY 2015-2016 UPWP to reflect the contribution of actual FY 2014-2015 rollover amounts / Proposed Council Resolution 15-28 (GTC staff)

Richard Perrin discussed the need to adjust the budgets for several projects included in the FY 2015-2016 UPWP that were not expected to be completed by March 31, 2015 (i.e., the end of the fiscal year) at the time of UPWP adoption. He noted that the accounting for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014-2015 has been closed out and the FY 2015-2016 budgets for these projects can now be adjusted to reflect the actual rollover amounts as presented in Exhibit 1.

Richard explained that since the Town of Penfield has decided not to advance UPWP Task 8515, the Town of Penfield Transit Supportive Mixed Use Development District project, the funds programmed for Task 8515 will be rolled back into the UPWP reserve fund and will become available for reprogramming to new projects.

Kevin Rooney moved to recommend that the GTC Board adopt Proposed Council Resolution 15-28; Rochelle Bell seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

e.      Action and recommendation to the GTC Board concerning modifying and amending the 2014-2017 Transportation Improvement Program / Proposed Planning Committee Resolutions 15-5 through 15-9 and Proposed Council Resolutions 15-29 through 15-47

Scott Leathersich suggested grouping all the Administrative Modifications/Planning Committee Resolutions (i.e., items 6.e.1. through 6.e.5) into a single action and all of the TIP Amendments/proposed Council Resolutions (i.e., items 6.e.6. through 6.e.24) along with the new Amendments added to the end of the agenda item 6.e. as a separate action. No Member or Alternate objected.

1.      Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the costs of select phases of the Livingston County Bridge Preventive Maintenance at 4 Locations project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 15-5 (NYSDOT on behalf of Livingston County)

Dan Hallowell discussed Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 15-5. He noted that there would be no change to the project cost and that this change moved funds from the Other phase to the Construction phase. The Other phase was originally intended as a contingency for Construction.

2.      Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the project Notes of the Rochester/Monroe County Traffic Control Center project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 15-6 (Monroe County)

Chris Reeve discussed efforts to separate this projects building rehabilitation costs from its operations costs. This amendment will split the project into two PINs by creating a new PIN for rehabilitation costs. There will be no changes to the overall project cost.

Chris discussed an issue raised by NYSDOT-Main Office about this project. FFY 2015 funds were programmed for Monroe County Regional Traffic Operations Center operations costs over a three year period. When NYSDOT-Region 4 requested authorization of the operations portion of this project, FHWA would not allow the 2015 funds to be used over three years. If authorization occurs, it will be for all the revenue programmed in FFY 2015 but funding intended for the two future years would be lost, similar to a bid saving situation. However, there is a need to authorize the funding so that Monroe County can charge operations costs to it, as the county has been incurring these costs since April 1.

Chris explained that NYSDOT-Region 4 faces the same issue with their Regional Traffic Operations Center Operations Staffing project (PIN 4ITS14). There are three years of operations funds programmed to this project in FFY 2015 and FHWA will not allow them to be used over three years. Funding must be authorized now or NYSDOT will have to pay for the project costs with State Dedicated Funds.

NYSDOT is requesting consideration of an interim solution. NYSDOT proposes to reflect the FFY 2015 cost of both the Rochester/Monroe County Traffic Control Center project and the Regional Traffic Operations Center Operations Staffing project under the Rochester/Monroe County Traffic Control Center project which has more than enough STP-Urban revenue for both. The balance of STP-Urban revenue and required match would be reflected in the Construction phase so they are not encumbered when the Other phase is authorized and thus subject to being lost to the region.

NYSDOT-Region 4 proposes to work through the TIP Development Committee (TDC) to reprogram FFY 2015 and FFY 2016 NHPP funds between projects so that Monroe County can be made whole by reflecting the FFY 2016 cost of the Rochester/ Monroe County Traffic Control Center project within the Regional Traffic Operations Center Operations Staffing project. Also, the FFY 2015 STP-Urban funds that are being moved to the Construction phase of the Rochester/ Monroe County Traffic Control Center project would be reprogrammed for other projects through the TDC.

The net effect of this change is to preserve $600,000 of FFY 2015 STP-Urban funds that would otherwise be lost while maintaining two years worth of funding for the Rochester/Monroe County Traffic Control Center project and the Regional Traffic Operations Center Operations Staffing project. FFY 2017 would need to be dealt with when the next TIP is programmed.

Richard Perrin commented that NYSDOT-Main Office did not have any objections to how these funds were programmed as of six months ago and no one in Albany objected when the TIP was adopted 23 months ago.

Chris Reeve noted that time is of the essence. If we dont take this action now then reimbursement to Monroe County and NYSDOT-Region 4 becomes an issue.

Richard Perrin stated that a revised resolution would be required to accomplish this. He asked the committee for concurrence on this conceptual solution. No Member or Alternate objected.

3.      Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the STP-Flex Block Program project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 15-7 (Wayne County)

4.      Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Whitbeck Road over Ganargua Creek Bridge Minor Rehabilitation project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 15-8 (Wayne County)

Richard Perrin discussed Proposed Planning Committee Resolutions 15-7 and 15-8. He noted that the offset for the Whitbeck Road project comes from the STP-Flex Block Program.

5.      Action concerning modifying the 2014-2017 TIP by modifying the project Notes of the ITS Operations project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 15-9 (NYSDOT)

Chris Reeve discussed Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 15-9. He explained that it is similar to Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 15-6 in that the project will be split into two PINs to advance operations activities and construction of ITS elements separatly. There would be no change to the total cost of the project.

Erik Frisch moved to recommend that the Planning Committee adopt Proposed Planning Committee Resolutions 15-5 through 15-9; Dan Hallowell seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

6.      Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by deferring select phases of the Monroe Co. Camera Deployment & ITS Integration Stage 5 project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-29 (Monroe County)

Terry Rice discussed Proposed Council Resolution 15-29. He explained that the Construction and Construction Inspection phases would be deferred from 2015 to 2016. He noted that the source of federal funds is a SAFETEA-LU earmark so no offset is required. There is no change to the total cost of the project.

7.      Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by deferring a select phases of the North Avenue Connector Project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-30 (NYSDOT on behalf of the Village of Webster)

Dan Hallowell discussed Proposed Council Resolution 15-30. He noted that the source of federal funds is the Transportation Alternatives Program so no offset is required. There is no change to the total cost of the project.

8.      Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the I-490 Bridge over Marsh Road project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-31 (NYSDOT)

Dan Hallowell discussed Proposed Council Resolution 15-31. This amendment will add Construction and Construction Inspection phases to the project. The source of additional federal funds is the National Highway Performance Program administered by NYSDOT-Main Office so no offset is required.

9.      Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by deferring a phase of the Mount Hope Avenue Improvements - Phase 2 project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-32 (NYSDOT on behalf of the City of Rochester)

Dan Hallowell discussed Proposed Council Resolution 15-32. The Detailed Design phase will be deferred from 2014 to 2016 while the City evaluates the effects of recently completed projects north and south of the project limits. The source of additional federal funds is the National Highway Performance Program administered by NYSDOT-Main Office so no offset is required.

10.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by deferring select phases of the Applinville Road Bridge Replacement project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-33 (NYSDOT on behalf of Livingston County)

11.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by reprogramming select phases of the Summit Street Reconstruction project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-34 (NYSDOT on behalf of the City of Batavia)

Dan Hallowell discussed Proposed Council Resolutions 15-33 and 15-34. He explained that these amendments provide offsets for each other.

12.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the I-590 (I-390 to Highland Ave.) Preventive Maintenance project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-35 (NYSDOT)

13.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Lake Ontario State Parkway Preventive Maintenance (Rt. 390 to ORorke Bridge) project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-36 (NYSDOT)

14.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Route 63 (Wyoming Co. Line to Rt. 408) Preventive Maintenance project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-37 (NYSDOT)

15.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by advancing phases of the Route 104 Preventive Maintenance (Rt. 390 to Kodak Park Bridge) project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-38 (NYSDOT)

Dan Hallowell discussed Proposed Council Resolutions 15-35 through 15-38. He explained that the I-590 (I-390 to Highland Ave.) Preventive Maintenance project provides offsets to the Lake Ontario State Parkway Preventive Maintenance (Rt. 390 to ORorke Bridge), the Route 63 (Wyoming Co. Line to Rt. 408) Preventive Maintenance, Route 104 Preventive Maintenance (Rt. 390 to Kodak Park Bridge), and Route 531 Interchange at Rt. 31 and Rt. 36 - Reconstruction projects.

Richard Perrin asked if the original scope of work for the I-590 (I-390 to Highland Ave.) Preventive Maintenance project is still being accomplished. Dan responded in the affirmative.

16.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the NHPP Block Program project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-39 (NYSDOT)

Dan Hallowell discussed Proposed Council Resolution 15-39. He noted that this project is a placeholder for NHPP funds. The balance of the Route 104 Preventive Maintenance (Rt. 390 to Kodak Park Bridge) project provides an offset. NYSDOT expects to work through the TDC to reprogram these funds to eligible projects.

17.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the Federal share of the Route 332 and Route 5&20 Preventive Maintenance project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-40 (NYSDOT)

Dan Hallowell discussed proposed Council Resolution 15-40. NYSDOT-Region 4 accomplished the Detailed Design phase with state funds. The federal share of this phase can no longer be authorized. This amendment provides an offset for the Route 531 Interchange at Rt. 31 and Rt. 36 - Reconstruction project.

18.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Route 531 Interchange at Rt. 31 and Rt. 36 - Reconstruction project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-41 (NYSDOT)

Dan Hallowell discussed proposed Council Resolution 15-41. Offsets are provided by the I-590 (I-390 to Highland Ave.) Preventive Maintenance and Route 332 and Route 5&20 Preventive Maintenance projects.

19.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the Replace 20 RTS Buses (2014) project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-42 (RGRTA)

20.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the Replace 28 Transit Buses (FFY 2015/2016) project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-43 (RGRTA)

21.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by decreasing the cost of the Replace 12 Lift Line Buses FFY 2016 project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-44 (RGRTA)

22.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by reprogramming phases of the RTS Campus Improvement Project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-45 (RGRTA)

23.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by increasing the cost of the Preventive Maintenance - RTS & Lift Line for FFY 2015 project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-46 (RGRTA)

24.  Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the 2014-2017 TIP by adding the RTS Customer Relationship Management System project / Proposed Council Resolution 15-47 (RGRTA)

David Cook discussed proposed Council Resolutions 15-42 through 15-47. He explained that these amendments are revenue neutral and are all linked together. The change to the fleet size reflects an emphasis on Preventive Maintenance to extend the life of the buses. These changes align the TIP with RGRTAs most recent capital plan.

Terry Rice noted that at the previous TIP Development Committee meeting there was a discussion of the increasing lifespan of buses. He asked how the recent announcement that RGRTA has ended its contract with the Rochester City School District would impact fleet operations. David Cook replied that RGRTA is continuing to work with the City School District and that future fleet needs have not been determined.

Dan Hallowell distributed a letter requesting two additional amendments to the TIP. One is to add a new project, the Spring Lake Trail Project, which will be conducted by the Town of Perinton. This project has been awarded funding from the Recreational Trails Program administered by the New York State Department of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.

The second amendment request is to increase federal funding for the CR 8 @ CR 41 & Shortsville Rd Intersection Improvement project. This increase is reflective of the actual bid relative to the initial estimate. The source of additional federal funds is the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ). This project had an emissions analysis in place from an earlier phase of the project making it eligible for CMAQ funds. NYSDOT-Region 4 worked with NYSDOT-Main Office to reconcile the accounting for CMAQ funds in this region. NYSDOT-Main Office agreed to provide FFY 2015 CMAQ funds for this project so no offset is required.

Dan Hallowell also noted that the Route 33A Preventive Maintenance (City Line to Westside Dr.) and the Route 18 Preventive Maintenance (LOSP to Rt. 261) projects were discussed at the July 23 TDC meeting. The projects were awarded funds under the Harsh Winter Paving Program administered by NYSDOT-Main Office. The TIP Development Committee discussed and recommended that funds from this program be applied to the two projects. Richard Perrin added that these projects were inadvertently left off the agenda and GTC staff have prepared proposed Council Resolutions 15-48 and 15-49 amending these projects, respectively.

Kevin Rooney moved to recommend that the GTC Board adopt Proposed Council Resolutions 15-30 through 15-49; Terry Rice seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

7. New Business

a.      Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Program requests from GTC Member Agencies and/or others in the region

Richard Perrin discussed the TIGER Program request. Only RTS reached out to GTC regarding an application for TIGER funding. Richard asked if any other agencies are considering submitting an application for TIGER funding. No other agencies expressed interest in doing so. Richard asked the Planning Committee to entertain the possibility of a Planning Committee Resolution endorsing the RTS TIGER application.

David Cook introduced the project for which RTS is preparing a TIGER application, explaining that the project would replace and update the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) elements currently used in the operation of the RTS fleet. He discussed the importance of the Transportation Initiatives Driving Excellence (TIDE) program to RTS operations and outlined the benefits of ITS applications for fleet operations. He noted that the TIGER application will request $16 million in federal funding, to be matched with $4 million for a total project cost of $20 million.

David Cook turned the discussion over to RGRTA staff member Brock Bafford, who reviewed the project in greater detail. Brock explained that the project will be implemented in three stages. The first stage will be to replace Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) elements, increase bandwidth, and reduce long-term operations and maintenance costs. The second stage will focus on enhancing vehicle condition monitoring capabilities. The third stage will look at real-time information provision, focusing on enhancing communications with customers.

Erik Frisch explained that a lesson the City learned from its previous TIGER applications is that reviewers look for a thorough, detailed cost-benefit analysis to justify funding requests. He asked if such an analysis had been prepared. Brock explained that a high-level cost-benefit analysis had been completed, but that more a detailed analysis would be done as part of the application process.

Richard Perrin asked if this project would apply to the entire RGRTA system or specific services. Brock explained that the project would initially apply to RTS Monroe, RTS Access, and RTS Livingston. However, if sufficient funds are available the project will look at other services that already have CAD/AVL capabilities. The project will provide a foundation for eventual expansion to cover other services.

Rochelle Bell moved to recommend that the GTC Planning Committee endorse RGRTAs TIGER grant application; David Cook seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

b.     Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Implementation Plans for the New York I-90 Corridor

David Keefe, Genesee Region Clean Communities (GRCC) Coordinator, discussed the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Implementation Plans for the New York I-90 Corridor project. Funding for this project is from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), and is being advanced by the various Clean Community coalitions in the state in partnership with their respective MPOs. This project will result in five regional EVSE plans for different planning regions, including the nine-county Genesee-Finger Lakes Region.

David explained that he had two purposes for presenting to the Planning Committee: 1.) to brief the committee on this project and 2.) to ask if any of the committee members, or their staff, had any interest in participating on the working group he is organizing for this project.

The project will be advanced in three stages. The first stage will identify current EVSE deployments in the region; there are currently about 40 Electric Vehicle charging stations located in Monroe County. The second stage will identify barriers to further EVSE deployments. The third stage will identify potential locations for future EVSE deployments.

David noted that Joseph Bovenzi is on the project working group, and asked that anyone interested in serving on the working group contact Joseph.

4.b.2. Task 5242 Regional Transportation and Food Systems Analysis
(Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council)

Scott Leathersich stated that Jayme Thomann from G/FLRPC had arrived and that the Committee would now take up Item 4.b.2., approval of the Scope of Work for the Regional Transportation and Food Systems Analysis.

Jayme Thomann presented the Scope of Work for Task 5242. This project will identify and interview a diverse sampling of stakeholders involved with local and regional food production, processing, storage/warehousing, distribution, consumption, food hubs, and post-consumption (food waste to energy) in the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region. This comprehensive inventory will inform future food system planning efforts.

Mitch Rowe moved to approve the UPWP Project Scope of Work for Task 5242 as presented; Kevin Rooney seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

8. Public Forum

No member of the public spoke during the Public Forum.

Dan Hallowell announced that he will be retiring and that this will be the last Planning Committee meeting he attends. Richard expressed his great appreciation for Dans efforts and commitment to GTC.

9. Next Meeting

July 9, 2015 at Wayne County Courthouse

26 Church Street

Lyons, NY

All materials for items to be considered at this meeting should be submitted to GTC staff no later than Friday, June 26, 2015.

10. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 12:41 p.m.