GTC Board - Minutes

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Radisson Hotel

Henrietta, NY

December 14, 2006


Mary Pat Hancock, Genesee County

James Hoffman, Wayne County

Daniel Hogan, Monroe County At-Large

Esther Leadley, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council

Robert Shipley, Seneca County (GTC Vice Chairperson)


Mark Aesch, RGRTA, representing John G. Doyle, Jr.

Leslie Bamann, Ontario County, representing Theodore Fafinski

E. Joseph Gozelski, Wyoming County, representing A. Douglas Berwanger

Paul Johnson, Monroe County Planning Board, representing Bonnie Pedrick-Coles

Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At-Large, representing Edward Marianetti

William Leslie, NYS Thruway Authority, representing Michael Fleischer

Edward G. Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation, representing Charles Gargano

Kevin OBuckley, NYSDOT Region 4, representing Thomas Madison

Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County, representing Maggie Brooks (GTC Chairperson)

William Sullivan, Rochester City Council, representing Lois Giess

Chris Wilson, Yates County, representing Robert Multer

David Woods, Livingston County, representing James Merrick


Robert Arnold, Federal Highway Administration

George Bower, Orleans County

Philip Brito, Federal Aviation Administration

Robert Duffy, City of Rochester

Paul E. Haney, Rochester At-Large

Tracy Logel, Monroe County Supervisors Association

Denise M. Sheehan, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Letitia Thompson, Federal Transit Administration

David L. Watson, Rochester City Planning Commission

Wayne Zyra, Monroe County


Deborah Elliott, GTC Staff

James Fabino, Wayne County

Erik Frisch, GTC Staff

Daniel Hallowell, NYSDOT Region 4

Ron Hayes, NYSDOT

Kristen Mark Hughes, Ontario County

David Lyon, Town of Palmyra

Richard Perrin, GTC Staff

Robert Scholl, NYSDOT Region 4

Robert Slaver, Jr., NYSDOT Region 4

James Stack, GTC Staff

John Thomas, City of Rochester

David Zorn, G/FLRPC


1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Vice Chairperson Shipley called the meeting to order at 8:34 a.m.

James Stack, GTC staff, called the roll; a quorum was present.

2. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

3. Approval of Minutes

Daniel Hogan moved for approval of the minutes from the September 14, 2006 GTC Quarterly Board meeting; Terrence Rice seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as submitted.

4. Communications and Announcements

Vice Chairperson Shipley noted that Kevin OBuckley has been appointed as NYSDOT Region 4 Director effective November 10, 2006 and congratulated him on behalf of the GTC Board.

5. Reports and Action on Old Business

a.      Planning Committee Report David Woods, Chairman

David Woods provided the following report:

The Planning Committee met November 16, 2006 and recommends that the GTC Board:

        Amend the FY 2006-2007 UPWP Budget to incorporate a FTA Section 5303 Metropolitan Planning Program (MPP) grant balance

         Accept the report, Monroe County Pedestrian Activity Safety Study Study Report, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6540

         Adopt 18 amendments to the 2005-2010 Transportation Improvement Program as requested by:

      Monroe County;

      The New York State Department of Transportation; and

      The Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority

Additionally, the Planning Committee took the following actions:

         Approved projects for FY 2006-2007 Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking Program funding

         Approved a revised scope of work for the Regional Traffic Count Collection program

b.      GTC Staff Report Richard Perrin, Executive Director

Richard Perrin provided the following report:

         GTC staff, NYSDOT Region 4 staff, and the TIP Development Committee (TDC) are in the process of developing the 2007-2012 Transportation Improvement Program Draft Program of Projects to present to the GTC Planning Committee in February 2007 for approval for 30-day public review along with the associated public meetings. Activities to date have included preliminary ranking of the 219 proposals received by the October 6 deadline. This compares to 230 proposals received during the last two cycles combined. GTC and NYSDOT Region 4 staffs developed the rankings cooperatively. Highway and bridge preventive maintenance projects were eligible for submission for the first time and eighty such proposals were received. Intelligent Transportation Systems projects and projects that improve air quality, and are likely eligible for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funding, were more fully incorporated into this TIP round. The TDC met December 4 to review the rankings and will meet December 18, January 9, and January 25 (if necessary) to develop the draft program of projects. The region is facing an approximately $90 million shortfall between requests and available revenues. The TIP is expected to be presented for consideration at the June 21, 2007 GTC Board meeting.

         The Unified Planning Work Program Development Committee (UDC) met on November 16 and November 28 and communicated via email to develop a Draft FY 2007-2008 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). Twenty-two proposals were evaluated. The Draft FY 2007-2008 UPWP will be provided to the GTC Planning Committee for their consideration for 30-day public review. The proposed FY 2007-2008 UPWP will be provided for GTC Board consideration at the March 8, 2007 meeting.

         Planning Committee Chairman David Woods reported that the Committee selected four communities to receive funds for planning studies through the Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking (CAP) Program. The studies will identify achievable capital and operational projects and regulatory measures to improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation systems in the Browns Square neighborhood of the City of Rochester, the Village of Hilton, the Village of Macedon, and the Village of Perry.

         In addition to the development of the TIP and UPWP, and selection of communities for CAP, GTC staff are advancing numerous other activities including the Transportation and Industrial Access project, Priority Trails Advancement projects, and the Congestion Management Process among others, as well as providing assistance to member agencies and communities throughout the region.

c. Old Business

At the September 14, 2006 meeting, the Board adopted the Transportation Conformity Statement for the amended 2005-2010 TIP. GTC received notification on November 3, 2006 that FHWA and FTA made a positive conformity determination which allows all projects in the TIP to advance. Richard Perrin thanked NYSDOT Region 4 staff for their efforts on the Conformity Statement.

6. New Business

a.      Amending the FY 2006-2007 UPWP Budget to incorporate a FTA Section 5303 Metropolitan Planning Program (MPP) grant balance Action on Proposed Resolution 06-74.

Richard Perrin explained that $3,440 of FTA MPP funds from FY 2000-2001 needed to be incorporated into the GTC staff budget so that they would not be rescinded by FTA. These funds were originally programmed to RGRTA to procure consultant services to conduct strategic plans for their regional services in rural counties. Due to favorable bids, the contracts executed with the consultants were slightly less than what was programmed for the projects. FTA is requesting that NYSDOT close out these older grants. Rather than allow the funds to be rescinded as part of this closeout, it is recommended that these funds from FY 2000-2001 replace funds from FY 2004-2005 in the GTC staff budget where they will be spent most quickly and that an equal amount of $3,440 be placed in program reserve to be reprogrammed to other activities when this board adopts the next UPWP in March 2007. Essentially, it is swapping funds from a newer allocation with an equal amount from an older one so we do not lose any funds allocated to this region.

E. Joseph Gozelski moved to approve Resolution 06-74; William Sullivan seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

b. Accepting the report, Monroe County Pedestrian Activity Safety Study Study Report, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6540 - Action on Proposed Resolution 06-75.

Richard Perrin explained that this study was conducted by Monroe County Department of Transportation staff with a steering committee that included the City of Rochester, Rochester City School District, and GTC staff. The study used a multi-step screening process to identify locations where accidents including pedestrian or bicyclists are likely to occur. It was unique in that it used 911 call center data as opposed to only Department of Motor Vehicle accident reports that do not fully capture the extent of these types of accidents. An inventory of the types and frequency of pedestrian and bicyclist accidents was developed to identify deficiencies at twenty-one locations. Recommendations based on the inventory were developed along with associated costs that can be implemented either as part of already programmed projects or as spot improvements in advance of larger rehabilitation or reconstruction projects.

Terrence Rice moved to approve Resolution 06-75; William Leslie seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

c. Adopting amendments to the 2005-2010 Transportation Improvement Program

Vice Chairperson Shipley suggested that the proposed resolutions be grouped by jurisdiction and be considered under individual motions. The Board concurred.

Richard Perrin explained that Resolutions 06-76 through 06-78 were requested by Monroe County.

(1) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Paul Road-Fisher Road Corridor Improvements project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-76.

Richard noted that Resolution 06-76 is adding a $4 million earmark from SAFETEA-LU into the TIP to make improvements in the Paul Road-Fisher Road corridor in the Town of Chili.

(2) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by decreasing the total cost of the John Street Extension Bailey Rd. to Lehigh Station Rd. project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-77.

(3) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the federal share of the Erie Station Road Reconstruction project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-78.

Richard noted that funds for the John Street and Erie Station Road projects were included in the TIP as earmarked in the FFY 2006 U.S. Department of Transportation Appropriations Act. The Congressional sponsor has concurred with the request to transfer the funds from the John Street Extension project to the Erie Station Road project. Both of these projects are in the Town of Henrietta.

Scott Leathersich moved to approve Resolutions 06-76, 06-77, and 06-78; William Sullivan seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

Richard Perrin explained that Resolutions 06-79 through 06-85 were requested by NYSDOT.

(4) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by decreasing the federal share of the Routes 5 & 19 Reconstruction project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-79.

(5) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by decreasing the federal share of the Route 77 Rehabilitation, Route 20 to the Thruway project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-80.

(6) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by decreasing the federal share of the I-390 Concrete Pavement Restoration in Geneseo (SR 408 US 20A project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-81

(7) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by decreasing the federal share of the I-390 Concrete Pavement Restoration in Rush (Routes 5 & 20 SR 251) project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-82

Resolutions 06-79, 06-80, 06-81, and 06-82 will decrease the federal share of funds on the projects to zero dollars. The projects will still be completed, but they will use state funds allocated in the 2005 Transportation Bond Act rather than federal funds. While the TIP does not need to include projects that have no federal funding, it is proposed that the projects still be included in the amended TIP document so the public is assured that these projects which were allocated federal funds will still be completed.

(8) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by deleting the Route 63 Bridge project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-83

Richard Perrin explained that this project will be deleted as NYSDOT has determined that reconstruction of the bridge is not necessary and state funds can be used to maintain the current structure.

(9) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by increasing the total cost of the I-490 Highway and Bridges project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-84

Richard Perrin explained that this resolution is to increase the cost of the Route I-490 Highway and Bridges project by an additional $8.5 million in Interstate Maintenance funds, due to increased material costs.

(10) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Route I-490; Troup Howell Pylons (Lighting) project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-85.

Richard Perrin explained that this resolution is separating the pylons portion of the Troup-Howell Bridge from the earlier I-490 Highways and Bridges project so that a separate contract can be let in anticipation of more favorable pricing from a specialized contractor.

Additional Interstate Maintenance funds from the statewide allocation coupled with funds made available through Proposed Resolutions 06-81 and 06-82 will cover the increases for Proposed Resolutions 06-84 and 06-85.

Terrence Rice noted that because NYSDOT is programming Bond Act funds for these projects, the federal funds are being returned to the TIP, making these funds available to local agencies that did not benefit directly from the Bond Act. He applauded NYSDOTs efforts.

Dan Hogan asked if GTC is applying a standard escalation factor for cost increases. Richard Perrin responded that GTC is relying on project sponsors to update their estimates.

Daniel Hogan moved to approve Resolutions 06-79, 06-80, 06-81, 06-82, 06-83, 06-84, and 06-85; Esther Leadley seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

(11) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by decreasing the total cost of the FFY 2006 Jobs Access Reverse Commute Program project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-86.

Richard Perrin explained that this project was originally included in the TIP with a federal amount of $305,000. FTA has revised the amount allocated to RGRTA by $3,100 for a total of $302,400. In order to maintain fiscal constraint, the TIP must be amended to reflect the revised amount. In addition and in accordance with FTA guidance, RGRTA advertised the availability of these funds to private and not-for-profit organizations located in Monroe County in the Rochester Business Journal.

Mark Aesch noted that the Jobs Access Reverse Commute funding appropriated to RGRTA has been significantly reduced as a formula program under SAFETEA-LU.

Scott Leathersich moved to approve Resolution 06-86; Edward Muszynski seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

Richard Perrin explained that Resolutions 06-87 through 06-93 were requested by NYSDOT.

(12) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Butterhole-Seneca Park Rail Trail project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-87.

(13) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the RS&E Hikeway / Bikeway Erie Canal Crossing project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-88.

(14) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Auburn Trail Extension project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-89.

(15) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Manchester Gateway Pedestrian/Bicycle Pathway System project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-90.

(16) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Glasgow Street (NYS Rt. 414) Streetscaping project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-91.

(17) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Wilder Road Sidewalk Construction project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-92.

(18) Amending the 2005-2010 TIP by adding the Ellicott Street (NYS Rt. 63) Improvements project Action on Proposed Resolution 06-93

Richard Perrin noted that proposed Resolutions 06-87 through 06-93 were requested by NYSDOT to add projects that were selected by the statewide Transportation Enhancements Advisory Committee to receive Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) funds. These seven projects were the top seven on the regional projects priority list that this Board endorsed via Resolution 06-60 at the September 14, 2006 Board meeting.

Richard Perrin noted that at the September meeting, City Council President Giess asked about the amount the region expected to receive. At the time, GTC expected the region to receive approximately $4.1 million in TEP funds. Based on the announcement of the statewide committee, the region will receive $6.2 million in TEP funds to fund the entire amount requested by the City of Rochester, Town of Perinton, Town of Victor, Village of Manchester, Village of Clyde, Town of Parma, and the City of Batavia.

Mary Pat Hancock moved to approve Resolutions 06-87, 06-88, 06-89, 06-90, 06-91, 06-92, and 06-93; Leslie Bamann seconded. The motion passed unopposed.


7. Any Other New Business

a. 2007 Meeting Calendar

Richard Perrin noted the 2007 meeting calendar on page 102 includes dates, times, and locations of the Planning Committee and TIP Development Committee meetings for informational purposes.

8. Next Meeting

The next GTC Board meeting will be held Thursday, March 8, 2007 at 8:30 a.m. at the Radisson Hotel in Henrietta.

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:02 a.m.