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Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority

Rochester, New York

October 14, 2010



Angela Ellis, Livingston County

James Fletcher, Monroe County At Large

Erik Frisch, City of Rochester At Large

Todd Gadd, Wyoming County

Tom Goodwin, Monroe County Planning Board

Andrea Guzzetta, Rochester City Council

Daniel Hallowell, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Region 4

Paul Holahan, City of Rochester

Kristen Mark Hughes, Ontario County (Chairperson)

Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At Large (Vice Chairperson)

Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County

Kevin Rooney, Wayne County

C. Mitchell Rowe, Seneca County

Chuck Thomas, Rochester City Planning Commission

David Zorn, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)


David Cook, Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA), representing Mark Aesch

Paul Zakrzewski, New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA), representing Douglas Tokarczyk


Robert Colby, Monroe County

Robert Griffith, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Timothy Hens, Genesee County

Peter McCann, Monroe County Supervisors Association

Edward Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation

Henry Smith, Jr., Orleans County

Steven Urlass, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

(Vacant), Federal Transportation Administration (FTA)

(Vacant), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)

(Vacant), Yates County


Crystal Benjamin, Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA)

Eric Farr, Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA)

Tom Howe, Stantec

Dennis Judson, Fisher

Richard Perrin, GTC staff

Jeri Pickett, Stantec

John Polimeni, NYSDOT Region 4

Jody Pollot, GTC staff

Tom Robinson, EDR

Ron Sassone, Town of Greece

James Stack, GTC staff

Chris Tortora, GTC staff

Patrick K. Waterman, T.Y. Lin International


1. Call to Order & Introductions

The meeting was called to order at 10:01 a.m. Kris Hughes welcomed everyone and Members, Alternates, and others present introduced themselves.

2. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

3. Approval of Minutes

Erik Frisch noted a correction on page 6 of the August 12, 2010 minutes. The last sentence states a public meeting was held October 2, 2010 this is incorrect. The sentence should read as follows: a second public meeting is tentatively scheduled for the second week in October.

Erik Frisch moved for approval of the minutes from the August 12, 2010 Planning Committee meeting; David Cook seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as amended.

Richard Perrin recommended a change to the order of the agenda by moving up action item 5.a.1. to allow Ron Sassone from the Town of Greece and Tom Robinson from EDR to present before Reports and Actions on Old Business. No Committee Member or Alternate objected.

5. a. Recommendations to the GTC Board concerning accepting submission of reports as evidence of completion of various UPWP Tasks.

1.      Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning accepting the report, Dewey Avenue Corridor Traffic Calming Study, as evidence of completion of a component of UPWP Task 6804 / Proposed Council Resolution 10-55 (Town of Greece)

Ron Sassone expressed appreciation for the continued partnership with the City of Rochester and support for the project by GTC and the Monroe County Department of Transportation (MCDOT). Ron also commended EDR for a quality final product and introduced Tom Robinson of EDR to present the final report.

Tom Robinson provided background on the Dewey Avenue Corridor and the purpose of the study. Tom noted that the corridor includes portions of both the Town of Greece and City of Rochester. The study identified recommendations to achieve a balance between the needs of motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

Tom discussed the recommendations in each of the three categories: on-street, off-street, and programs and policies.

Erik Frisch noted the study was comprehensive and EDR provided a quality product with many opportunities for future projects.

Crystal Benjamin asked what the original problem the study was trying to address was. Tom responded that there are existing and potential conflicts between pedestrian and bicycle movements and vehicular traffic.

Crystal then asked if the study has a transit component. Tom responded that there were transit recommendations throughout the corridor, particularly upgrades to the bus stops.

Crystal asked if the proposed Wal-Mart in the area was accounted for in the study. Tom responded in the affirmative.

Ron noted the complete study is available on the Town of Greeces website.

Kris Hughes suggested grouping 5.a.1 and 5.a.2, no Member or Alternate objected.

2.      Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning accepting the report, Energy Assessment Report, as evidence of completion of a component of UPWP Task 8425 / Proposed Council Resolution 10-79 (RGRTA)

David Cook began by providing historical background on the RGRTA campus, which was built in the 1970s and is not as energy efficient as it would be if it were designed and built today.

David introduced Jeri Pickett from Stantec. Jeri presented the findings of the study, which included reviewing the existing facilities and focusing on improving efficiency before exploring altogether new alternatives.

Tim Howe, of Stantec, presented the summary of energy conservation measures. He noted certain improvements were not justified by energy savings alone but they may be implemented for other reasons.

David Cook added that select recommendations from the study are already being advanced.

Terry Rice asked why a 20-year payback threshold was used for the analysis. He noted private businesses usually use a three to five year timeline.

Jeri responded that they focused on equipment life cycles. Given the RGRTA expectation to stay at this site, the 20-year timeline was deemed appropriate.

Terry Rice moved to accept the Dewey Avenue Corridor Traffic Calming study and the Energy Assessment Report as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6804 and 8425, respectively; James Fletcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.


4. Reports and Action on Old Business

a. Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities


Richard Perrin reported:

          There is no progress to report on the Supplemental Professional Services Database Programming project.

          As part of GTC Strategic Planning, GTC staff are developing a proposal outline for the Regional Planning Working Group that has grown out of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program. GTC staff revised the Association of MPOs position statement on the next Authorization that will be discussed by its Policy Committee at the annual conference next week. GTC staff completed the benchmarking of GTC against other MPOs based on the FHWA-sponsored report on the staffing and administrative capacities of MPOs nationwide that was released in July, and reported the results to the GTC Board at its September meeting. The Association of NYSMPOs and NYSDOT met on October 1 to begin discussing options for better coordinating planning resources.

          As part of Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Update/Implementation GTC staff is continuing the development of the next LRTP. The memo that was originally intended for consideration by the LRTP Development Committee was provided to the Planning Committee and will be discussed later in the meeting.

          With regard to the Air Quality Planning and Outreach task, GTC staff drafted the Association of NYSMPOs comments on the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) proposed changes to the portion of state regulations that address conformity; these comments were submitted on August 31. GTC assisted in the development of the joint AASHTO/AMPO comments that were submitted to the EPA on September 8 regarding the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to revise the federal conformity regulations.

          A scope of work for the GTC Household Travel Survey Phases 1 and 2 will be presented later in the meeting.

          The update of the Regional ITS Architecture, which is the second phase of the project, is progressing.

          There is no progress to report on the Diversion Route Planning Initiative.

         The Priority Trails Advancement Program consists of two projects. With regard to the Pultneyville to Marion Trail, public meetings are scheduled for November 10 and 17; the steering committee met September 15. Identification of destinations that could be accessed by the Route 104 Ontario to Sodus Trail is being developed and the consultant is assessing issues related to trails adjacent to limited access highways.

           The Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking (CAP) Program consists of two projects. The final report for the Brown's Square Neighborhood project has been finalized, the final report will be produced, and a presentation to the Planning Committee is expected in November. The Village of Fairport Central Business District project is complete and was adopted by the GTC Board at its June 17 meeting.

           With regard to the Congestion Management Process (CMP), the update of the CMP will be incorporated into the next LRTP and discussed later in the meeting.

           The contract with the preferred consultant for the Greater Rochester Regional Commuter Choice Program was executed on September 23. Steering Committee members are being identified.

           With regard to the Travel Time Data Collection Program, the draft of the final report for the first phase of data collection on select Minor Arterials and Collectors will be completed by the end of the month with presentation to the Planning Committee expected in November. The survey design for the second phase of data collection on Principal Arterials has been finalized and data collection has begun.

           The contract with the preferred consultant for the Coordinated Public Transit/Human Services Transportation Plan Update was executed on October 8 and the initial steering committee is tentatively scheduled for October 27.

           The project steering committee for the Regional Goods Movement Strategy is being formed; there are three counties that we are awaiting responses from. A stakeholder participation plan is being developed based on GTC and NYSDOT comments on the draft outline prepared by the consultant team. GTC is assembling data for transmittal to the consultant once the required non-disclosure and license agreements have been executed. The freight and economic profile will be developed based on this data and information collected via interviews, a survey, and focus groups.


Dave Zorn reported:

         There is no progress to report on the 2010 Census TAZ Analysis and Revisions project as G/FLRPC is waiting for the release of the 2010 Census data.

         The 2009 Regional Land Use Monitoring Report is complete and was presented at the August 12 Planning Committee meeting.

         The Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Inventory of Culturally Significant Areas is progressing. G/FLRPC staff met with the counties and the State Historic Preservation Office. Field work, photo documentation, narrative development, and research are being conducted. The list of sites from the GTC LRTP has been compiled.

Livingston County

Angela Ellis reported:

         There is no progress to report on the Livingston County Safe Passing Zone Survey.

Monroe County

Tom Goodwin reported:

         The 2009 Monroe County Land Use Monitoring Report is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at the September 8 meeting.

Terry Rice reported:

         The consultant for the Monroe County Audible/Tactile Pedestrian Signal Device Study provided a Draft Study Report on October 10. The report includes a prioritized list of crosswalks recommended for the installation of an audible or tactile pedestrian signal device. A public meeting to present the study findings and collect input and feedback is scheduled for Thursday, October 21 at the ABVI-Goodwill Facility.

         Regarding the Monroe County Vertical Curve Safety Study at a September 23 project meeting MCDOT presented the comments on the draft final report. The comments are in the process of being addressed by the consultant.    

         The consultant contract for the Monroe County Sign Inventory Location Upgrade has been awarded and a work plan is being developed.

         The Monroe County High Accident Location Program is underway and five additional Priority Investigation Locations (PILs) have been analyzed, bringing the total completed to fourteen locations or 25 percent.

John Polimeni asked if any roadways eligible to receive federal High Risk Rural Roads Program funding had been identified through the High Accident Location Program. Terry responded that none have been identified through that program yet but that some locations may be identified through the Vertical Curve Safety Study.

City of Rochester

Chuck Thomas reported:

        The city has received proposals for the Center City Tourist/Visitor Circulation and Pedestrian Wayfinding Study. The consultant selection process has begun and a final consultant should be selected soon.

Erik Frisch reported:

       The draft routes for the Center City Circulator Study were completed by the consultant in August. Based on feedback from the Advisory Committee, work has been halted. The Advisory Committee met on October 4 and suggested the study also consider potential parking and shuttle services opportunities.

       Regarding the City of Rochester Urban Trail Linkages Feasibility Study the draft RFP is being developed.

Chuck Thomas reported:

       The Steering Committee for the Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood Parking and Circulation Study is reviewing the draft final report. The final report is expected later this fall.

Erik Frisch reported:

       The RFP for the St. Paul and North Clinton Two-Way Conversion Study was published on October 12 and proposals are due November 12.

Scott Leathersich noted that MCDOT has not yet received the Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood Parking and Circulation Study draft report. Chuck Thomas assured Scott that MCDOT would receive a copy of the report to review.


David Cook reported:

        The RGRTA Suburban Transit Station Study RFP has been advertised and proposals are due in December.

        There is no progress to report for the RTS Signal Prioritization.

        The RGRTA Energy Study is complete and was presented earlier in the meeting.

        Five proposals have been received for the RGRTA Transit-Supportive Development Guidelines project.

        The RGRTA Route Analysis project is ongoing.

Seneca County

Mitch Rowe reported:

         The NYS Routes 5 & 20/414 Corridor Study is complete and was accepted by the GTC Board at its June 17 meeting.

Wayne County

Kevin Rooney reported:

       The report for the Cluster Development Enhancement Project Feasibility Study is expected to be received this week.

         The field work for the Wayne County Safe Passing Zone Survey has begun.

Other Agencies

Richard Perrin reported:

         Through September 17, counts have been completed at 82 of the 117 locations of the Regional Traffic Count Collection.

Terry Rice noted there are 17 locations left, which are expected to be completed the first week of November.

         The scope of work was approved at the August 12 meeting for the Auburn Trail/Ontario Pathways Trail Connection Feasibility Study. The letter of agreement is being processed by the Town.

         The scope of work was approved at the August 12 meeting for the Irondequoit Seneca Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study. The letter of agreement is being processed by the Town.

         The draft report for the Village of Arcade Main Street Study was provided for final review on October 6 with comments due on October 15.

         The Dewey Avenue Corridor Traffic Calming Study is complete and was presented earlier in the meeting.

         The Town of Macedon NYS Route 31 Corridor Study is complete and was adopted by the GTC Board at its September 8 meeting.

         The final Steering Committee meeting for the Genesee County Central Corridor Plan will be held on October 19 and the project should be completed in the next four to six weeks.

         The final report has been completed for the City of Geneva Lakefront/Downtown Connectivity Study. City of Geneva staff cannot attend either the October or November Planning Committee meetings; accordingly, presentation to the committee is expected at the January 2011 meeting.

         Regarding the Victor Transportation Systems Plan, the UPWP-funded transportation section of the comprehensive plan update is nearly complete.

Dan Hallowell asked that any correspondence and reports that were being sent to Marvin Kleinberg now be sent to him.

b. Any Other Old Business or Announcements

1.      Update and discussion on proposed federal legislation.

Richard Perrin reported FFY 2011 began October 1 but no annual appropriations bills have been enacted. There is a continuing resolution in place until December 3. On July 29, the House passed its version of the 2011 Transportation and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill. The Senate version has passed the Appropriations Committee. The amount of funding for highways and transit proposed for 2011 is similar to those in the current bill that was adopted on December 16, 2009. Accordingly, this region can expect that similar amounts of funding can be expected next year for capital, operational, and planning purposes. There has been little movement on a multi-year surface transportation authorization bill due to the fact that revenues to the Highway Trust Fund (which is primarily the gas tax) are not sufficient to adopt a half-trillion dollar to $600 billion multi-year authorization. Congress is in recess until after the elections and no transportation committee hearings are scheduled.

On Labor Day, the President announced an outline for a six-year initiative that would provide a $50 billion up-front investment to rebuild 150,000 miles of roadway, construct and maintain 4,000 miles of rail, and rehabilitate or reconstruct 150 miles of airport runways as well as a communication system to reduce air traveler delays. In addition, the initiative would create a national infrastructure bank like every other type of bank, this one likely wouldnt provide funds but instead loan them; requiring repayment with non-federal funds over time. It is unclear as to whether or not this initiative is in addition to or meant to replace the next surface transportation authorization legislation (the successor to SAFETEA-LU that expired on September 30, 2009).

Terry Rice noted that Congressman Oberstar announced a proposal to raise the federal gas tax to $0.15 a gallon. President Obama indicated that he did not support the proposal.

Richard noted that the Automobile Association of American and the American Trucking Association have both come out in support for raising the gas tax.

Update on the FY 2011-2012 Unified Planning Work Program


The call for projects was issued to all GTC member agencies and municipalities in the region on September 17. A workshop was held on September 29 at the Henrietta Town Hall; there were 16 attendees. Proposals are due next Friday, October 22, by 4 p.m. at the GTC offices.

GTC staff anticipate approximately $425,000 of Federal Highway Administration and $200,000 of Federal Transit Administration Metropolitan Planning funds being available for planning projects proposed to be undertaken by GTC member agencies and other eligible jurisdictions, as well as professional services to be provided to GTC.

NYSDEC Commissioner Pete Grannis has designated Paul DAmato, NYSDEC Region 8 Director, as his alternate to the GTC Board.

5.                 Action Items

b.     Action concerning consideration of UPWP Project Scopes of Work.

1.      Task 5420 GTC Household Travel Survey Phase 1 and 2

Richard Perrin noted that the proposed scope is consistent with the approach that the UDC supported last year. An update to the current household travel survey, completed in 1993, is needed before it impacts the regions ability to receive federal transportation funding.

Chris Tortora presented the scope to the committee and discussed the need to update the household travel survey. Other MPOs are working closer to a 10-year update cycle while the current GTC household travel survey is nearing 20 years old. Updating the household survey is necessary to validate the model for air quality conformity purposes and conduct the federally-required Congestion Management Process.

Phase 1 will commence before April 1 but GTC does not expect the budget for Phase 1 will be depleted before then.

David Cook asked how GTC derived the budget and how confident GTC is that it will be sufficient. Richard responded that the budget was developed based on other MPOs experiences and, because GTC staff are willing and have the ability to take on select tasks, the budget should be sufficient.

Chuck Thomas moved to approve the Scope of Work for the GTC Household Travel Survey Phase 1 and 2 as presented; Dan Hallowell seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

6. New Business

a.      Presentation and discussion on the development of the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).

Richard Perrin gave a presentation on the LRTP update.

Scott Leathersich asked with the upcoming 2010 Census data if there was an opportunity to modify the Urban Area boundaries and update the functional classification system. Richard responded that this would be a separate effort, and that the 2010 Census data will not be available in time for incorporation into the LRTP.

Terry Rice noted that the approach appears to consider proposed legislation at the federal level. Richard responded in the affirmative noting that current discussions about the next authorization include significant emphasis on performance measures and greater funding flexibility.

Dan Hallowell asked if there were any opportunities to include private funding.

Richard responded that the concept may be mentioned but that only revenues that have been previously realized or are being strongly considered can be included in the financial plan, per federal fiscal constraint requirements.

Kris Hughes commended and thanked Richard and GTC staff for successfully simplifying a complicated process, and that the presentation was an effective means to communicate such message.

7. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the public forum.

8. Next Meeting

November 18, 2010 at the New York State Department of Transportation -Region 4 offices.

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:49 a.m.