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Ebenezer Watts Conference Center

Rochester, New York

January 7, 2010




Angela Ellis, Livingston County

James Fletcher, Monroe County At Large

Erik Frisch, City of Rochester At Large

Todd Gadd, Wyoming County

Daniel Hallowell, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Region 4

Kristen Mark Hughes, Ontario County (Chairperson)

Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At Large (Vice Chairperson)

Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County

Kevin Rooney, Wayne County

C. Mitchell Rowe, Seneca County

Douglas Tokarczyk, New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA)

David Zorn, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)



Rochelle Bell, Monroe County Planning Board, representing Tom Goodwin

Doug Benson, Rochester City Planning Commission, representing Chuck Thomas

David Cook, Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA), representing Mark Aesch


Robert Colby, Monroe County

David Dunning, Monroe County Supervisors Association

Robert Griffith, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

Timothy Hens, Genesee County

Paul Holahan, City of Rochester

Gary Kent, Orleans County

Edward Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation

William Sullivan, Rochester City Council

(Vacant), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

(Vacant), Federal Transportation Administration (FTA)

(Vacant), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)

(Vacant), Yates County


Ed Flynn, Stuart Brown Associates/LaBella Associates

Richard Hatheway, Village of Geneseo

Don Higgins, Livingston County

Marvin Kleinberg, NYSDOT Region 4

Richard Perrin, GTC staff

Jody Pollot, GTC staff

James Stack, GTC staff

Ed Welsh, NYSDOT Region 4


1. Call to Order & Introductions

The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. Kris Hughes welcomed everyone and Members, Alternates, and others present introduced themselves.

2. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

3. Approval of Minutes

Scott Leathersich moved for approval of the minutes from the August 13, 2009 Planning Committee meeting; Kevin Rooney seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as presented.

Terry Rice suggested that the Safe Routes to Schools Guidebook be distributed to county and municipal highway officials so they can be informed if and when school districts want to pursue improvements. Richard Perrin responded that the Guidebook is available on the GTC website and encouraged GTC member agencies to inform their members and stakeholders of its availability.

4. Reports and Action on Old Business

a. Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities


Richard Perrin reported:

          GTC staff is scheduled to meet with the consultant for the Supplemental Professional Services Database Programming project on January 12 to discuss the revised project schedule.

          Regarding the Strategic Planning and SAFETEA-LU Succession Program tasks, GTC staff provided comments on the Transportation 4 America MPO proposal and the Kerry-Boxer Climate Change Bill. GTC staff is participating on the Metropolitan Research Committee of the Transportation Research Board. Dan Hallowell and he are serving on the joint NYSDOT/Association of New York State Metropolitan Planning Organizations Data Collaboration Working Group. Two factors being reviewed are the increased level of data to be provided through the updated Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) and avoiding duplication of effort.

          As part of Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Update/Implementation, GTC staff are revising the development schedule with adoption anticipated in June 2011. GTC staff have finalized the economic analysis component of the draft. A LRTP Development Committee meeting is planned for February or March for the purpose of reviewing data and proposed characteristics of existing and projected conditions for two future scenarios, as well as discussing public meeting materials, principal themes, and preliminary alternatives.

          With regard to the Air Quality Planning and Outreach task, the Regional Travel Demand Model (Model) was validated by the Interagency Consultation Group after presentation and discussion at its November 18 meeting and follow-up discussion at its December 10 meeting. The Model is now approved for use in the Conformity analyses for the TIP and LRTP.

          The GTC Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program and SRTS Site Assessments were accepted by the GTC Board at its September 10 meeting.

          The Steering Committee for the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Strategic Plan Update met November 23 to review the draft Plan. The consultant is addressing the comments and should have a final draft Plan ready by the end of January.

          With regard to the Diversion Route Planning Initiative, a revised scope of services has been developed and will be provided to the consultant for their review. A fully executed contract is expected to be in place by late-January or early-February.

          The 2007-2008 Priority Trails Advancement Program consists of three projects. The I-590 Bicycle Pedestrian Bypass, the Lehigh Valley (Honeoye Falls), and the Erie Canal Glenwood Lake Connector projects have all been completed and are expected to be presented for closeout at the February 11 meeting.

The 2008-2009 Priority Trails Advancement Program consists of two projects. The status the Route 104 Ontario to Sodus Trail and the Pultneyville to Marion Trail were reversed on the Monthly Progress Report that was included in the meeting package. A contract with the preferred consultant for the Pultneyville to Marion Trail has been executed and a project kick-off meeting will be scheduled. The study area for the Route 104 Ontario to Sodus Trail was expanded at the November 12 meeting. The RFP was advertised on November 23 with Proposals due January 8.

         The 2007 Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking (CAP) Program consists of four projects. The Village of Perry, Village of Hilton, and Village of Macedon projects are complete. The Steering Committee for the Browns Square Neighborhood study met December 10. A draft report is expected to be complete by the end of January. The second public meeting is anticipated in February and is contingent on the consultant completing the draft report.

The 2008 CAP Program consists of one project. The Steering Committee for the Village of Fairport Central Business District Study met November 17. A draft report is being finalized and the second public meeting will be scheduled for late-January or early-February.

           With regard to the Congestion Management Process (CMP), the GTC Board approved an amendment to the UPWP to include the Greater Rochester Regional Commuter Choice Program at its December 10 meeting. A draft RFP has been developed for internal review.

         A contract with the preferred consultant for the Travel Time Data Collection Program was executed on December 15. Preparation work for the travel time runs will be conducted in February with the runs being conducted in the Spring.

         Five Proposals for the Regional Goods Movement Strategy were received by the December 21 deadline. GTC staff met with the Rochester Business Alliance Transportation Council on December 2 to initiate shipper, carrier, and receiver stakeholder involvement in the project.

         GTC staff posted the Annual Listing of Federally Obligated Projects for FFY 2009 on the GTC website on December 30. The format of the FFY 2008 and FFY 2009 lists were modified per FHWA suggestions. GTC has now met two out of the three corrective actions included in the FHWA/FTA Joint Certification Review that was finalized in April 2009. The third corrective action (demonstration of fiscal constraint by year) will be addressed with the adoption of the next TIP.


David Zorn reported:

         G/FLRPC staff completed the work for the Local Update of Census Addresses Appeals project. G/FLRPC staff documented as many rejected addresses as possible with assistance from counties and local municipalities and submitted them to the Census Bureau.

         G/FLRPC staff is continuing data processing and mapping for the 2010 Census TAZ Analysis and Revisions project.

         Activity for the 2009 Regional Land Use Monitoring Report is restarting this month.

         The Historic Transportation Gateway Inventory and Assessment project was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 10 meeting.

Monroe County

Rochelle Bell reported:

         Activity for the 2009 Monroe County Land Use Monitoring Report has begun. Monroe County staff is beginning to compile the data.

Terry Rice reported:

         A public meeting for the Monroe County Audible/Tactile Pedestrian Signal Device Study will be held in January.

         The Monroe County Overhead Traffic Sign Visibility Upgrade Study is complete. A project closeout presentation is expected in February.

         Data collected for the Monroe County Vertical Curve Safety Study is being evaluated and Monroe County is identifying additional locations to study.

         Consultant selection for the Monroe County Sign Inventory Location Upgrade is underway.

         There is no progress to report for the Monroe County High Accident Location Program.

Ontario County

Kris Hughes reported:

         The State Routes 96/318 Rural Corridor Study was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 10 meeting.

         The final draft report for the CATS Route Analysis and Service Improvement Plan is under internal review. Ontario County is looking at opportunities to expand the contract for additional tasks using County resources.

City of Rochester

Erik Frisch reported:

        The consultant for the Port of Rochester Transportation Evaluation and Support Study is addressing Monroe County DOT comments. The City hopes to present the Study for closeout at the February Planning Committee meeting.

        A project kick-off meeting for the Center City Circulator Study was held December 7. The Project Advisory Committee (PAC) provided comments on a draft survey to the consultant. The next PAC meeting is scheduled for January 21.

Doug Benson reported:

         The Neighborhood Traffic Calming Concept Design and Implementation Study was accepted by the GTC Board at its December 10 meeting. The City printed about 150 copies of the Study and is compiling a distribution list.

         An RFP for the Center City Tourist/Visitor Circulation and Pedestrian Wayfinding Study was drafted for inter-departmental review. Comments are being addressed. The RFP is expected to be advertised in the next few weeks.

         The Steering Committee meeting for the Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood Parking and Circulation Study has been rescheduled to the end of January.

Kris Hughes asked about the Susan B. Anthony House concerns that were mentioned at the November meeting. Doug Benson clarified that it is more of a concern with large properties changing hands and needing to reach out to the new owners. The Susan B. Anthony House is supportive of the Study. The neighborhood association has raised some concerns.

Jim Fletcher asked about the distribution of the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Concept Design and Implementation Study. Doug Benson responded that the study has not yet been distributed but the plan is to send it to the lead elected official in cities, towns, and villages in the region.


David Cook reported:

       The Market Research for RGRTA Regional Services project will be withdrawn as there are not staff resources to advance the task. RGRTA has relinquished the funds to be reprogrammed in the next UPWP.

        The RGRTA Suburban Transportation Service Study was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 10 meeting.

        The consultant for the RTS Signal Prioritization Study needed to re-collect data in the Lake Avenue and Dewey Avenue corridors. The study is progressing.

        The Information Technology Assessment Study was accepted by the GTC Board at its September 10 meeting.

        The consultant for the RGRTA Energy Study provided a draft report for internal review. The project is expected to be complete within the next 30 days.

        There is no progress to report for the RGRTA Transit-Supportive Development Guidelines task.

        The RGRTA Route Analysis project is ongoing.

Seneca County

Mitch Rowe reported:

         The final Public Meeting for the NYS Routes 5 & 20/414 Corridor Study was held November 18. The project is complete. A closeout presentation is anticipated in February.

Wayne County

Kevin Rooney reported:

        The consultant for the Cluster Development Enhancement Project Feasibility Study is finalizing a draft report for initial review.

Wyoming County

Todd Gadd reported:

         The Wyoming County Safe Passing Zone Survey project will be presented under agenda item 5.b.2.

Other Agencies

Richard Perrin reported:

         Final counts for the Regional Traffic Count Collection Program have been received. More than 1,300 counts were conducted in 2008 and 2009. Point data is being compiled in GIS to optimize access to the data reports. As individual count locations are requested, the data reports will be scanned and then linked to their respective point in the GIS shapefile for future retrieval. Ontario County also conducted traffic counts at approximately 175 locations under this task. This data will be integrated into the GIS shapefile. A presentation on the project is expected at the February 2010 meeting.

         The consultant for the Village of Arcade Main Street Study is continuing work based on comments received at the first public meeting.

         The Village of Geneseo Circulation and Parking Study will be presented under agenda item 5.b.1.

         The consultant for the Dewey Avenue Corridor Traffic Calming Study is developing draft recommendations.

         The Spencerport Eastern Village Corridor Concept Study was accepted by the GTC Board at its December 10 meeting.

         The Steering Committee for the Town of Macedon NYS Route 31 Corridor Study is scheduled to meet January 19 to discuss the build-out analysis.

         A project kick-off meeting for the Genesee County Central Corridor Plan was held December 7. An inventory of existing conditions is being developed.

         A project kick-off meeting for the City of Geneva Lakefront/Downtown Connectivity Study was held November 18.

Kris Hughes reported:

         The Town Supervisor and the consultant for the Victor Transportation Systems Plan met in December 2009 to discuss the project. The transportation component is progressing. The Steering Committee is scheduled to meet February 2.

b. Any Other Old Business or Announcements

1.      Update on the status of projects funded via The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Dan Hallowell discussed the status of projects funded via The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Dan stated that 100 percent of the ARRA funds were obligated as of January 6. Dan reached out to project sponsors on the Illustrative projects list to see if any additional projects can be prepared for obligation on an aggressive schedule. FHWA is requiring bid savings in excess of $250,000 be de-obligated. NYSDOT Region 4 is working to obligate these funds by March 2 to ensure the region does not lose the funds. Dan discussed various key milestone dates for ARRA projects.

Kris Hughes asked if project sponsors were contacted. Dan responded that he reached out to project sponsors to ensure they can move forward within the limited timeframe.

Terry Rice asked if the Initial Project Proposals/Final Design Reports (IPP/FDR) have been approved. Dan responded that he would need to check on this.

2.      Update on the development of the 2011-2014 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Richard Perrin stated that, per his report at the November Planning Committee meeting, new project proposals have been evaluated by GTC and NYSDOT Region 4 staffs. Preliminary tiered rankings by mode have been developed and presented to the TIP Development Committee (TDC).

NYSDOT Main Office provided allocations of FHWA funds by program to NYSDOT regional offices and MPOs on November 19. For Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2010 through FFY 2014, the allocations are 4.5 percent less than those provided in September 2008. The reduction is due to the delay in extending SAFETEA-LU or enacting a new Authorization which is resulting in funding levels remaining flat for the current FFY and the first half of FFY 2011.

Revised allocations were provided on December 21. For Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2010 through FFY 2014, the allocations are slightly less than those provided in November. The reduction is due to corrections to the data used in the formulas.

Both the November and December allocations modify the Highway Bridge Program (HBP) formula by not including the Broad Street Tunnel in the data. At its December 10 meeting, the GTC Board passed Resolution 09-59 requesting that the agreed upon formulas be adhered to. A joint letter from the counties in NYSDOT Region 4, City of Rochester, and UNICON has been finalized and will be circulated for signature by the lead elected officials of the region to be sent to the Governor and NYS Senate and NYS Assembly Transportation Committee Chairmen to draw their attention to this issue.

Dave Rettig of NYSDOT Office of Regional Planning and Program Coordination met with the TDC on December 9 to answer questions on the allocations and associated formulas. Based on GTC and City of Rochester staff comments during and following the meeting, GTC staff is requesting further clarification on changes to the allocation of other programs besides HBP, namely Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality and Surface Transportation Program-Flex.

NYSDOT Main Office provided FTA Section 5307 allocations on December 11.

The TDC is meeting immediately following this meeting to continue the development of the 2011-2014 TIP and reprogramming the current FFY (2010) based on the new allocations while trying to meet project sponsors requested schedules.

A revised program for FFY 2010 will be developed for GTC Board consideration in March and a Draft 2011-2014 TIP for Public Review will be presented to this committee for consideration in February.

3.      Update and discussion on proposed federal legislation

Richard Perrin stated that Congress passed two important pieces of legislation in December. The FFY 2010 Transportation-Housing and Urban Development (T-HUD) Appropriations Bill was passed, which establishes the spending levels and the ability to reimburse project sponsors for the Federal share of project costs. The FFY 2010 T-HUD Appropriation Bill provides $41 Billion for Highway programs and $10.7 Billion for Transit program, including $8.7 Billion for formula programs. These are the same levels as FFY 2009.

The Defense Appropriations Bill was also passed, which included the third Continuing Resolution for funding Highway and Transit programs through February 28. The Continuing Resolution means that funding levels are subject to the FFY 2009 levels including rescissions. This means that FHWA program funds are 30 percent less than originally authorized in the Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).

An extension to SAFETEA-LU or a new Authorization must be enacted before March 1 or the Office of Management and Budget may set FFY 2010 funding at the FFY 2009 post-rescission level.

The House of Representatives also passed a second stimulus bill the Jobs for Main Street Act (Jobs bill) which would provide similar Highway and Transit funding as the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009. Included in the new Jobs bill is an extension of SAFETEA-LU through FFY 2010 at FFY 2009 pre-rescission funding levels consistent with the FFY 2010 T-HUD Appropriations Bill minus $1.4 Billion to conform to the Congressional Budget Resolution. This would also backfill the portion of FFY 2010 that has already passed to be above the Continuing Resolution levels that were limited to FFY 2009 post-rescission levels.

The U.S. Senate returns January 20 and is not expected to consider the Jobs bill or a SAFETEA-LU extension until February. The initial focus is expected to be legislation to increase the Federal debt limit.

The Jobs bill passed by the House requires 50 percent of Highway funds to be under contract within 90 days of FHWA apportionment to the States and would be paid for with funds originally intended for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The TDC will also be discussing these legislative developments at its meeting later today.

Terry asked about the March 1 deadline for freezing spending levels and whether the funding allocations the TDC is working with include the post-rescission levels. Dan Hallowell responded that he does not think the allocations are based on the post-rescission levels.

Terry Rice commented on the Jobs bill. His recollection is that the TDC agreed that, given the reduced funding allocations, existing TIP projects will get first consideration for stimulus funds and that projects remaining from the Illustrative list should be considered along with soliciting new projects. Dan Hallowell responded that, if the 90-day deadline for having 50 percent of the projects under contract is included in the enacted legislation, we will have to strongly consider funding existing projects with at least a portion of the funds provided in the proposed Jobs bill.

Richard Perrin noted that NYSDOT Main Office factored in flat revenue for FFY 2010 and 6 months of FFY 2011 at reduced levels when they developed the funding allocations.

Richard Perrin announced that there are several new GTC Board Members as a result of their election as Chairperson of their County Legislature and President of the Rochester City Council, as follows:

         Jeffery Adair, Monroe Count y Legislature;

         David Calllard, Orleans County Legislature;

         H. Taylor Fitch, Yates County Legislature; and

         Lovely Warren, Rochester City Council.


5. Action Items

a.      Action concerning approving the Draft FY 2010-2011 Unified Planning Work Program Project List for public review

Richard Perrin discussed the purpose of the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). He stated that projects in the existing UPWP that are not completed by the March GTC Board meeting will rollover into the new UPWP.

The UPWP Development Committee (UDC) met on November 12 and December 2, and deliberated via email to reach consensus. The Draft FY 2010-2011 Unified Planning Work Program Project List represents the UDC recommendation on new project proposals considered for inclusion in the FY 2010-2011 UPWP.

Pending approval, the public review period will commence January 8 and conclude February 8. The public review document will be available for review at County Planning offices, NYSDOT Region 4, central repository libraries in TMA counties, and the GTC office, as well as on the GTC website. A Legal Notice will be published and a media release will be issued on January 8.

A full draft FY 2010 2011 UPWP will provide to the Planning Committee for consideration at its February 11 meeting and recommendation to the GTC Board for consideration at its March 11 meeting.

David Cook moved to approve Draft FY 2010-2011 Unified Planning Work Program Project List for public review; Terry Rice seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

b.     Recommendations to the GTC Board concerning accepting submission of final project reports as evidence of completion of various UPWP Tasks

1.      Accepting the report, Alternatives to Improve Circulation, Parking, Safety and Aesthetics: Route 39/North Street/Court Street Corridor, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6803 / Proposed Council Resolution 10-1

Mayor Richard Hatheway expressed appreciation for GTC providing funding for the study. He described various aspects of the Village. He also discussed the study area and topographic/physical challenges. He stated that the Village has undertaken many planning efforts over the past few years that will feed into a long range plan for the Village. Mayor Hatheway noted that the Steering Committee included diverse stakeholders and incorporated significant public input. He discussed the study recommendations.

Terry Rice asked if the Village is planning to implement some of the recommendations in advance of a major reconstruction project. Mayor Hatheway responded that that is the Villages intention. Ed Flynn of LaBella Associates noted that the study includes an implementation schedule with some early wins.

Scott Leathersich asked about the speeds on North Street. Mayor Hatheway responded that portions of the road are under Town jurisdiction so there are complications to implementing changes.

Kris Hughes asked if the UPWP funding was sufficient for the Study. Mayor Hatheway responded that he never heard LaBella Associates say they could not do what was asked as the study progressed. Ed Flynn noted that the budget was tight at the end of the study.

Richard Perrin stated that the early engagement of the stakeholders lessened any surprises later in the study. Ed Flynn noted that the Steering Committee was very constructive.

Mitch Rowe moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 10-1; Scott Leathersich seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

2.      Accepting the report, Wyoming County No Passing Zone Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6222 / Proposed Council Resolution 10-2

Todd Gadd discussed the study. He noted that the previous study of passing zones was 20 years old. He discussed the study process and results. He discussed the various products from the consultant, including the associated software so the County can update its inventory as striping changes are made. Todd expressed appreciation to GTC for financial support for the study.

Terry Rice moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolution 10-2; Kevin Rooney seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

c.      Action concerning administrative modifications to the 2007-2012 TIP

Richard Perrin stated that the proposed changes to the 2007-2012 TIP are Administrative Modifications by definition and do not require GTC Board action.

1.      Action concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by modifying the costs of phases of the Highland Park / Canalway Connector Trail project / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 10-1

Richard Perrin discussed the Town of Brighton proposal. He noted that Right-of-Way (ROW) needs arose when the Town needed to change its proposed trail alignment to satisfy the Monroe County Parks Department. The Town of Brighton indicated that the latest Construction estimate can be accommodated within the existing project budget even with shifting funds to ROW phases.

Erik Frisch moved to approve Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 10-1; Terry Rice seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

2.      Action concerning amending the 2007-2012 TIP by modifying the costs of phases of the Midtown Redevelopment Transportation Infrastructure Improvements / Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 10-2

Erik Frisch discussed the City of Rochester proposal. When the Congressional earmark was first included in the TIP, it was programmed in its entirety to the Detailed Design phase. The City realized a need to use the federal funding for Scoping and Preliminary Engineering activities.

Mitch Rowe moved to approve Proposed Planning Committee Resolution 10-2; Jim Fletcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

6. New Business

Richard Perrin discussed the 2010 GTC Meeting Calendar. He noted that meeting location maps are on the GTC website.

Doug Tokarczyk discussed upcoming NYSTA projects in the region, which include approximately $22 million in lettings. Paving will take place on the NYS Thruway near Batavia amounting to about $9 million. A bridge near the Scottsville service area will be repaired at a cost of about $12 million. A bridge over the CSX railroad near Reed Road will be repaired. This will require Reed Road to be closed during construction and a detour route will be in place. All of the projects are funded and ready to go to construction in 2010.

David Cook provided an update on the RGRTA projects funded via ARRA. The funds were primarily used for vehicle purchases and RGRTA site improvements at the East Main Street campus. He noted that FTA funds are handled differently than FHWA funds; they need to be put into a grant rather than obligated. RGRTA was able to get the first half of the ARRA funds into grants in mid-2009. RGRTA received word from FTA that the remaining funds will be in a grant soon. The ARRA FHWA funds that RGRTA received for non-revenue vehicles have been placed in a grant and approximately 90 percent of those funds are under contract.

7. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

8. Next Meeting

February 11, 2010 at the Livingston County Highway Department.

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.