GTC Board - Minutes

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Radisson Inn

Henrietta, NY

December 11, 2003


Marvin Decker, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (GTC Chairman)

John D. Doyle, Monroe County Executive (GTC Vice-Chairman)

James Fabino, Wayne County

Daniel Hogan, Monroe County At-Large Member

Jeanne A. Loberg, Monroe County Association of Town Supervisors

Ed Marianetti, Monroe County At-Large Member


Bill Bordeau, Seneca County

Joan Dupont, NYSDOT Region 4, representing Joseph Boardman

Ed Doherty, City of Rochester, representing William Johnson

Kristen M. Hughes, Ontario County, representing Donald Ninestine

Anne Humphrey, Wyoming County, representing A. Douglas Berwanger

Charles H. Nesbitt, Empire State Development Corporation, representing Charles Gargano

Don Riley, RGRTA, representing William Nojay

Richard Rudolph, Genesee County, representing Mary Pat Hancock

David Woods, Livingston County, representing James Merrick


Robert Arnold, Federal Highway Administration

Philip Brito, Federal Aviation Administration

Erin M. Crotty, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Michael Fleischer, NYS Thruway Authority

Lois Giess, Rochester City Council

Paul E. Haney, Rochester At-Large Member

Dana K. Miller, Rochester City Planning Commission

Robert Multer, Yates County

Bonnie Pedrick-Coles, Monroe County Planning Board

Dennis Pelletier, Monroe County

Letitia Thompson, Federal Transit Administration

Marcia Tuohey, Orleans County


Christopher Burns

Samuel J. Casella, Ontario County

Deborah Elliott, GTC Staff

Erik Frisch, GTC Staff

Richard Garrabrant, NYS Thruway Authority

Steve Gleason, GTC Staff

Jim Hoffman, Wayne County

Marvin Kleinberg, NYSDOT

Richard Perrin, GTC Staff

Terrence Rice, Monroe County

Rob Slaver, NYSDOT- Region 4

John Thomas, City of Rochester
1. Call to Order

Chairman Decker called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

2. Roll Call

Richard Perrin, GTC Staff, called the roll; a quorum was present.

3. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

4. Approval of Minutes

James Fabino moved for approval of the minutes from the June 19, 2003 GTC Quarterly Board meeting; Joan Dupont seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as submitted.

5. Communications and Announcements

         Steve Gleason announced the following appointments to the Planning Committee:

      Federal Highway Administration Robert Griffith appointed as the Member; Richard Beers appointed as his Alternate

         Steve Gleason announced the following appointments to the GTC Board:

      Monroe County James Smith appointed as Alternate to Ed Marianetti

      Monroe County Planning Board Paul Johnson appointed as Alternate to Bonnie Pedrick-Coles

      Federal Highway Administration Richard Beers appointed as Alternate to Robert Arnold

Copies of the appointment letters are on file at the GTC office.

6. Reports and Action on Old Business

a.       Planning Committee Report David Woods

David Woods provided the following report:

At its July 17, 2003 meeting, the Planning Committee:

         Recommended that the Board accept the G/FLRPC Main Street Transportation Tools Village of Spencerport and Main Street Transportation Tools Village of Warsaw reports as evidence of completion of a sub-element of UPWP Task 5800

         Approved the Scopes of Work for the following UPWP Tasks: RGRTA Transit Focus Group Study, Monroe County Parking Study, RGRTA/City of Rochester ITS Implementation Plan, and On-Street Bicycle Facility Opportunities Review

At its August 21, 2003 meeting, the Planning Committee:

         Recommended that the Board accept the New York State Metropolitan Planning Organizations Long-Term Funding Needs Study report as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 9251

         Approved a change to the Scope of Work for UPWP Task 8270 Security and Safety Plan for Public Transportation

         Provided direction to GTC Staff on the UPWP Call for Projects priorities and the Public Participation Policy update

At its October 16, 2003 meeting, the Planning Committee:

         Recommended that the Board accept the Port of Rochester Intelligent Transportation Systems Project Architecture Case Study Final Report and Action Plan, Lexington Avenue Extension Study, and High Volume Bus Stop Pavement Improvement Study reports as evidence of completion of their respective UPWP Tasks

         Received informational updates on the NYSDOT Transformation initiative and the GTC Project Ready project recommendation status tracking system

At its November 20, 2003 meeting, the Planning Committee:

         Approved the GTC Public Participation Policy Update for 45-day public review

         Recommended various amendments to the 2003-2008 TIP to the Board, constituting Proposed Council Resolutions 03-27 through 03-33

         Concurred with the methodology and results of the G/FLRPC Regional Population Forecasts report as a basis for the population forecasts underlying the update of GTC's Long Range Transportation Plan for the region

b.      GTC Executive Directors Report Steve Gleason

Steve Gleason provided the following report:

        Staff is currently working on the development of the 20052025 Long Range Transportation Plan. Six public meetings were held in November; an additional series of six meetings will also be held in both the Spring and Summer of 2004. The final draft 20052025 Long Range Transportation Plan will be presented to the Board for action next Fall

        The FY 2004-05 & 2005-06 UPWP is a two-year program covering the period April 1, 2004 March 31, 2006. Forty-one projects totaling $1.5 million were received in response to the Call for Projects. The requests for funding were more than double the projected available funding. The UPWP Development Committee and the Planning Committee are developing a fundable program and will present a final draft UPWP to the Board at its March 2004 meeting

        The Public Participation Policy has undergone three reviews and revisions by the Planning Committee. At its November meeting, the Planning Committee approved a draft Public Participation Policy for 45-day public review, extending from November 26, 2003 to January 23, 2004. Steve Gleason noted that this is actually a 59-day public review period; it was extended to account for the holiday season. Public comments would be reviewed and incorporated as appropriate by the Planning Committee at its February 2004 meeting, and a final draft will be presented to the Board for action at its March 2004 meeting

        Steve Gleason encouraged Board members to call him if they needed information on any other GTC projects, or visit the GTC website for current status and updates on all projects

c. Old Business

There was no old business

7. New Business

a.       Accepting final project reports as evidence of completion of various UPWP tasks

        Accepting the reports, Main Street Transportation Tools Village of Spencerport and Main Street Transportation Tools Village of Warsaw, as evidence of completion of a sub-element of UPWP Task 5800 Action on Resolution 03-22

Steve Gleason gave an overview of the reports that were submitted for the UPWP task.

Richard Rudolph moved to approve Resolution 03-22; Anne Humphrey seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

        Accepting the report, Port of Rochester Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Project Architecture Case Study Final Report and Concept Plan, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 5600 Action on Resolution 03-24

Steve Gleason gave an overview of the report that was submitted for the UPWP task.

Ed Doherty moved to approve Resolution 03-24; Don Riley seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

        Accepting the report, Lexington Avenue Extension Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6630 Action on Resolution 03-25

Steve Gleason gave an overview of the report that was submitted for the UPWP task.

James Fabino moved to approve Resolution 03-25; Ed Marianetti seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

        Accepting the report, High Volume Bus Stop Pavement Improvement Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6640 Action on Resolution 03-26

Steve Gleason gave an overview of the report that was submitted for the UPWP task.

Ed Doherty moved to approve Resolution 03-26; Dan Hogan seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

b.      Accepting the report, New York State Metropolitan Planning Organizations Long-Term Funding Needs Study, as evidence of completion of NYSMPOs Shared Cost Initiative/UPWP Task 9251 Action on Resolution 03-23

Steve Gleason gave an overview of the report that was submitted for the UPWP task.

Ed Doherty moved to approve Resolution 03-23; Charles Nesbitt seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

Jack Doyle inquired about NYSDOTs request to cancel the press release for this report. Joan Dupont stated that NYSDOT Main Office did not disapprove of the report; however, they did have concerns about the presentation of responsibility for closing the funding gap.

Jack Doyle asked about the revenue measures that the report identified, and requested clarification on what the Board action represented with respect to these revenue measures. Steve Gleason responded that the report presents a range of revenue options, and that the Boards action accepts the findings of the report, but does not constitute a recommendation of any revenue measures.

c. Adoption of amendments to the 2003-2008 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

(1) Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding the Sea Breeze/Charlotte Multi-Use Trail project Action on Resolution 03-27

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed amendment to the 2003-2008 TIP.

Jack Doyle moved to approve Resolution 03-27; Ed Doherty seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

Ed Doherty noted that rights-of-way acquisitions involving CSX are increasingly problematic in the region, citing agreements involving CSX and Norfolk Southern related to the Conrail dissolution. He suggested that the region should work to find a solution to this, noting that the impact is much greater that just transportation; community issues including crime are also a result. Jack Doyle concurred, noting that the regions congressional delegation should be involved, potential legal action should be explored, and GTC should look into coordinating a solution with other MPOs. Chairman Decker responded that Staff will investigate this issue and report back to the Board.

(2) Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding the Canalway Trail - Palmyra project Action on Resolution 03-28

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed amendment to the 2003-2008 TIP.

Anne Humphrey moved to approve Resolution 03-28; Jeanne Loberg seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

(3) Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by reducing the cost of the Scoping & Preliminary Engineering phase of the I-390 Reconstruction Stage 1 project, adding the I-490 and I-590 Interchange Pavement Rehabilitation project, and adding the I-490 and I-390 Interchange Pavement Rehabilitation project Action on Resolution 03-29

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed amendment to the 2003-2008 TIP.

Richard Rudolph moved to approve Resolution 03-29; Joan Dupont seconded. The motion passed with one opposed.

Dan Hogan asked if the scope of the I-390 Reconstruction project was being reduced. Joan Dupont responded that it was not; the amendment shifts funds to the interchange projects to enable rehabilitation to occur.

(4) Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding the ADA Detectable Warning Surfaces Retrofit project Action on Resolution 03-30

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed amendment to the 2003-2008 TIP.

Jeanne Loberg moved to approve Resolution 03-30; Joan Dupont seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

Several Board members asked what was involved with a retrofit, and what roads are required to be retrofitted. Terry Rice stated that because it is part of the ADA, it applies to all road projects.

(5) Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding a Detailed Design phase to the Mount Read Boulevard Bridges project Action on Resolution 03-31

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed amendment to the 2003-2008 TIP.

Jeanne Loberg moved to approve Resolution 03-31; Joan Dupont seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

(6) Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by adding a Detailed Design phase and a Right-of-Way Acquisition phase to the Genesee River Trail project Action on Resolution 03-32

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed amendment to the 2003-2008 TIP.

Anne Humphrey moved to approve Resolution 03-32; Ed Doherty seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

(7) Amending the 2003-2008 TIP by increasing the total cost of the Preventive Maintenance project Action on Resolution 03-33

Steve Gleason reviewed the proposed amendment to the 2003-2008 TIP.

Don Riley moved to approve Resolution 03-33; Jeanne Loberg seconded. The motion passed unopposed.

Jack Doyle inquired about the source and uses of these funds. Don Riley responded that the funds were generated through cost savings in bus procurement. He added that the Federal government no longer funds operational costs, but they do fund preventive maintenance on capital assets like buses.

d. Any Other New Business

Jack Doyle expressed concern about the EPAs communication to the State regarding their proposed ozone nonattainment designation for the region, noting that it differs from the Governors recommendation of unclassifiable. He stated that legal action may be necessary if a nonattainment designation is finally made after the public review period ending in April 2004. Ed Doherty noted that although the region has a strong technical case, an assessment of the probability of legal success should be conducted given the potential duration and cost of legal action.

Steve Gleason noted that federal funds, either through GTC or other sources, cannot be used for this purpose. He also noted that GTC can serve as a technical resource in this action, but cannot advocate. Joan Dupont suggested that a better understanding of the likely implications of a nonattainment designation is needed. Several Board members stated that the implications are serious enough to warrant concern. Chairman Decker suggested that a committee be established to follow through on the discussion.

Jack Doyle moved to form a committee per Chairman Deckers suggestion. Don Riley seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

8. Next Meeting

The next Board Meeting will be held Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 8:30 a.m. at the Radisson Inn in Henrietta.

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.