The following are the Goals and Objectives of the Genesee Transportation Council:
Support the economic vitality of the metropolitan area, especially by enabling global competitiveness, productivity, and efficiency
The transportation system should support balanced community and economic development of the metropolitan area
The transportation system should be a distinguishing competitive feature of the metropolitan area relative to other areas, serving the needs of existing businesses and enhancing the region's attractiveness to new business
Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users
Transportation designs, services, and education programs should enhance and protect life, health, and property
Increase the ability of the transportation system to support homeland security and to safeguard the personal security of all motorized and non-motorized users
The transportation system, and its associated programs and services, should support both national and personal security initiatives
Increase the accessibility and mobility options available to people and freight
The transportation system should provide the capacity, coverage and coordination necessary to provide mobility to the region's population and commercial activities in a fashion consistent with the overall intent of Goal 1
Reasonable travel alternatives should be available to all persons in the area regardless of age, physical or mental ability, and/or income
Protect and enhance the natural environment, cultural heritage and community appearance, and promote energy conservation
Transportation planning and decision making should support and reinforce local land use and development objectives
Transportation planning and decision making should recognize local priorities balanced with broader community goals
Transportation planning and decision making should strive to address issues on a corridor level, recognizing both the multi-jurisdictional component of travel and the interrelationship between transportation and non-transportation policies and investments
The transportation system should encourage the efficient use of non-renewable energy resources and the exploration of renewable alternatives
Transportation planning and decision making should strive to embrace designs and processes that respect the natural environment and enhance the overall contribution of the transportation system to community livability
Promote efficient system management and operations
The transportation system should be designed and managed in a fashion that minimizes lifetime maintenance and user costs
Transportation investments should advance the Long Range Transportation Plan's goals and objectives in a fashion which maximizes benefits relative to costs*
Transportation and land use planning should be integrated in a fashion that optimizes the use of existing transportation and other municipal infrastructure
Transportation investments should be guided by cooperative planning, design, and maintenance standards to promote system continuity and uniformity across jurisdictional boundaries
Facilitate partnerships in planning, financing, and the execution of transportation initiatives>
The transportation planning and decision making process should be multi-jurisdictional, fostering coordination and cooperation among local, county, state, and federal governments, concerned agencies, and the private sector
The transportation planning process should be conducted in as open and visible a manner as possible, encouraging community participation and interaction between and among citizens, professional staff, and elected officials
Financial and non-financial support for transportation initiatives should be provided by all levels of government and the private sector in a fashion which reflects their relative responsibilities for, and/or benefits from, the initiatives and related economic and social impacts
Innovative financing/partnerships for transportation initiatives that reflect the full scope of interests impacted or served should be explored
Transportation and transportation-related information resources should be developed and shared in a fashion that promotes informed public and private sector decision making
Awareness should be promoted regarding the impact of individual, public, and private sector decisions on the quality of mobility and the potential impact of these decisions on others
*Benefits and costs are broadly defined, quantitative as well as qualitative, non-monetary as well as monetary, and involve non-transportation effects as well as those related to the direct provision of transportation services.