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Ontario County Municipal Building

Canandaigua, New York

April 10, 2008




James Brady, Wayne County

Angela Ellis, Livingston County

James Fletcher, Monroe County At Large

Kristen Mark Hughes, Ontario County (Chairperson)

Paul Johnson, Monroe County Planning Board

Scott Leathersich, Monroe County At Large (Vice Chairperson)

Terrence J. Rice, Monroe County

Douglas Tokarczyk, New York State Thruway Authority

David Zorn, Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council



Robert Slaver, Jr., NYSDOT Region 4, representing Daniel Hallowell

John Thomas, City of Rochester, representing Paul Holahan


Mark Aesch, RGRTA

Philip Brito, FAA

Robert Colby, Monroe County

Todd Gadd, Wyoming County

Robert Griffith, FHWA

Timothy Hens, Genesee County

Gary Kent, Orleans County

Edward Muszynski, Empire State Development Corporation

William Sullivan, Rochester City Council

Chuck Thomas, Rochester City Planning Commission

(Vacant), Monroe County Supervisors Association

(Vacant), City of Rochester At Large

(Vacant), FTA

(Vacant), NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

(Vacant), Seneca County

(Vacant), Yates County


Kevin Beers, GTC Staff

Rick Brown, City of Canandaigua

Deborah Elliott, GTC Staff

Julie Gotham, GTC Staff

Hon. Richard Hatheway, Village of Geneseo

Marvin Kleinberg, NYSDOT Region 4

Richard Perrin, GTC Staff

Kevin Rooney, Wayne County

Ron Sassone, Town of Greece

James Stack, GTC Staff

Dawn Sywulski, RGRTA

Edwin Welsh, NYSDOT Region 4


1. Call to Order & Introductions

The meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. Richard Perrin informed the Planning Committee that GTC Chairperson Brooks announced the appointment of Kristen Mark Hughes as Planning Committee Chairperson and Scott Leathersich as Planning Committee Vice Chairperson at the March 13, 2008 GTC Board Meeting. Kristen Mark Hughes welcomed everyone to Ontario County and Members, Alternates, and others present introduced themselves.

2. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

3. Approval of Minutes

Terry Rice requested that the minutes from the February 14 Planning Committee meeting be amended to include the discussion on the misestimating of scopes and costs on the Broad Street Tunnel project TIP amendment (Proposed Council Resolution 08-6). John Thomas concurred with the proposed amendments to the minutes.

Scott Leathersich moved for approval of the minutes from the February 14, 2008 Planning Committee meeting; James Fletcher seconded the motion. The minutes were approved as amended.

4. Reports and Action on Old Business

a. Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities


Richard Perrin reported:

         A Request for Proposals for the Supplemental Professional Services Database Programming project was advertised in the February 25 edition of the New York State Contract Reporter. Twenty-two packages were requested and seven Statements of Qualifications were received by the March 26 deadline.

         A peer MPO review is progressing on schedule for the Strategic Planning task with completion expected in April.

         The Rural County Resource Development Initiative project is considered complete.

         The primary activity of the LRTP Update/Implementation task is conducting a review of 17 peer MPOs including evaluation of LRTPs and planning emphasis areas.

         For the Air Quality Planning and Outreach project, the new ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard is .075 PPM. Based on initial review, the Rochester area will remain in nonattainment under the new standard.

         The Transportation and Industrial Access Phase 1 & 2 project is complete.

         The GTC Travel Demand Model Enhancement was accepted by the GTC Board on March 13.

         The Bicycle & Pedestrian Supportive Code Language project is complete.

         An initial public workshop for the GTC Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program and SRTS Site Assessments was held April 9 with approximately 20 attendees. Fourteen applications for the NYSDOT SRTS Call for Projects were received. Evaluations will be discussed at the April 24, 2008 TIP Development Committee (TDC) meeting.

         The consultant selection committee for the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Strategic Plan Update RFP evaluated five proposals. Interviews with the top two consultant proposers will be scheduled.

         A Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Diversion Route Planning Initiative is still being developed. Staff is expecting to issue that RFP this summer.

         The 2006-2007 Priority Trails Advancement Program consists of four projects. A public meeting will be held April 30 for the Rochester Erie-Attica Railroad Bridge project. Work continues on the draft feasibility study for the Penfield Irondequoit Creek Stream Corridor project. A second public meeting for the Caledonia Lehigh Valley Railroad project was held on March 4 and comments are being provided on the draft. Comments were provided on the draft for the New York Central Westshore Branch project. Steering Committees are formed for two of the three 2007-2008 Priority Trails Advancement studies.

         The On-Street Bicycle Facility Opportunities Review and the Pedestrian Facilities Inventory projects are complete.

         All four Circulation, Accessibility, and Parking (CAP) Program projects are progressing. The Perry project is complete. Alternatives are being developed for the Hilton project. A Steering Committee meeting was held February 26. The Village of Macedon voted against dissolution on March 18. There will be a Steering Committee meeting April 10 and a public meeting April 24 for that project. A contract is being negotiated with the preferred consultant for the Browns Square Neighborhood project.

         Work on LRTP performance measures for the Congestion Management Process will restart in May.

         The Steering Committee for the Travel Time Data Collection Assessment project met February 26 to review the report. Additional runs were conducted on I-490 before the current construction began.

         The Strategic Plan for Public Transportation in Yates County is complete.

         A presentation on the Regional Goods Movement Strategy scope of work will be made at the joint meeting of Rochester-Finger Lakes Regional Development Corporation and the G/FLRPC Economic Development Advisory Committee on April 25 to gather further input. GTC staff will need to coordinate with NYSDOT on the final scope of work before issuing the RFP given the amount of Statewide Planning and Research (SPR) funds programmed to the project. An RFP will be issued in June.

Terry Rice asked about the evaluation and criteria for the Safe Routes to School program. Richard Perrin responded that the criteria were developed by NYSDOT-Main Office. Robert Torzynski and Steve Beauvais conducted a technical evaluation based on these criteria. Richard Perrin offered to provide the criteria to the TDC.



David Zorn reported:

        The update of the county master address files for the Local Update of Census Addresses Phase 1 project review is being advanced and will be submitted to the Census Bureau by the April 30 deadline.

        The 2007 Regional Land Use Monitoring report surveys have been distributed and approximately 85 percent of the surveys have been completed and received by G/FLRPC.

         Work on the guidebook for the Preparing Village Main Streets for Planning project is continuing. All chapters will go to the Technical Committee for review in May.

         A draft is being developed for the Optimizing Transportation Infrastructure through Effective Land Use project for review in April or early May.

Monroe County

Paul Johnson reported:

         Data collection for the 2007 Monroe County Land Use Monitoring report is approximately 98 percent complete.

         The Monroe County Parking Study has been printed and will be distributed to municipalities and counties throughout the region.

Terry Rice reported:

         The Accident Rate Database project is complete.

         The Monroe County Overhead Traffic Sign Visibility Upgrade study is progressing and is approximately 62 percent complete.

         Monroe County DOT is reviewing new guidelines and reconsidering the Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Study project due to new sign replacement requirements.

Terry noted the decision to reconsider advancing the Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Study project is based on the timelines for complying with the new Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices requirements to upgrade signs. Terry asked whether federal Highway Safety Improvement Program funds could be used to meet these requirements on non-federal-aid roads. Rob Slaver responded that it was his impression that these funds could be used for this purpose on any road, regardless of federal-aid designation.

Kris Hughes noted that a cost/benefit analysis should be undertaken to measure the effectiveness of sign upgrades compared to infrastructure upgrades and whether or not the region could enlist the support of elected officials to reconsider the timelines of the sign upgrade requirements. He asked the consequence of not complying.

Terry Rice responded that the time for commenting on the requirements had passed and that Monroe County had submitted comments. Terry added that not complying becomes a liability issue for the owners of the roads. Rob Slaver noted that federal funds may be jeopardized if the requirements are not met. Jim Brady asked about the timeframe for the new six-inch letter requirement. Terry Rice noted that the deadline is 2013.

         An additional Priority Incident Location study has been initiated as part of the Monroe County High Accident Location Program.

Ontario County

Angela Ellis reported:

         A Steering Committee meeting was held in March for the State Routes 96/318 Rural Corridor Study. The purpose of the meeting was to set the vision, goals, and objectives. Focus groups are being scheduled for April and/or May with a second public meeting to be held in May or June.

City of Rochester

John Thomas reported:

       A draft final report for the Port of Rochester Transportation Evaluation and Support Study is still under review by MCDOT.

        The Center City Parking Development and Management Project is complete and a presentation to the Planning Committee is expected in May.

        The draft manual for the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Concept Design and Implementation Study is still under review by MCDOT.

        A Technical Advisory Committee for the Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood Parking and Circulation Study will meet in April.

        The Vehicle Fleet Alternative Fuels Systems Study is complete.

John reiterated that a public meeting for the Rochester Erie-Attica Railroad Bridge project has been scheduled for April 30.

Scott Leathersich stated that MCDOT received the remainder of the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Concept Design and Implementation Study report on April 9, 2008 and has begun their review.

Terry Rice stated that the Port of Rochester Transportation Evaluation and Support Study report is confusing and does not include many recommendations. Accordingly, MCDOT will be providing extensive comments. John acknowledged that the report does not include many recommendations.



Dawn Sywulski reported:

        The Market Research for Regional Transit Service project is complete.

        The Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan is complete.

        A public input meeting will be scheduled for late April or early May for the RGRTA Suburban Transportation Service Study.

        The consultant work is complete for the RTS/Lift Line Operational Analysis & Facility Utilization Study. RTS staff will be doing further analysis.

        The Facility Asset Management Plan for RTS & Lift Line is complete and will be presented later in the agenda.

        A presentation will be made in the near future on the RTS Operational Process Study.

        The RGRTA Route Analysis project is on-going.

Genesee County

Richard Perrin reported:

         No progress to report on the Genesee County Safe Passing Zone Survey.

Wayne County

James Brady reported:

         No progress to report for the Cluster Development Enhancement Project Feasibility Study.

         The Palmyra Route 21 Truck Traffic Study is complete and will be presented later in the agenda.

Wyoming County


Richard Perrin reported:

        GTC staff met with the Wyoming County Planning Department (WCPD) staff on March 24 to discuss the Transportation Elements of Scenic/Historic Resources in Wyoming County project. WCPD staff are evaluating the effort needed to complete the project.

Other Agencies

Richard Perrin reported:

         A meeting for the Regional Traffic Count Collection project was held with Genesee and Livingston Counties on March 14. Additional meetings will be held with the other counties.

Terry Rice asked about the scheduling of the counts for other counties. Jim Stack responded that the preferred consultant has informed GTC staff that they are fully scheduled until the middle of Summer 2008. Terry expressed concern with obtaining counts for all of the counties in a timely manner. Jim Stack stated that GTC would request that the preferred consultant discuss the use of their sub-consultant for counties in the region. Rob Slaver added that NYSDOT collects data on some federal-aid roads not owned by New York State.

Richard Perrin noted there is a new federal requirement that states count all off-system federal-aid roads.

         The New York Route 96 Traffic Signal Coordination Study was adopted by the GTC Board on March 13.

         The Meridian Centre Boulevard Extension Study is complete.

         A draft of the Route 250 Corridor Study report was received on March 4 and a Steering Committee meeting will be scheduled.

         No progress to report for the Town of Macedon NYS Route 31 Corridor Study.

         The draft report for the Williamson Route 104 & Route 21 Gateway Concepts project is complete and the Steering Committee met on April 1. A final public meeting will be scheduled.

         An inventory is being developed for the Town of Penfield Bicycle Facilities Plan and the Steering Committee met on March 13.

b. Any Other Old Business or Announcements

Richard Perrin announced that Robert J. Duffy has designated Richard W. Hannon, The City of Rochesters Director of Special Projects, as his alternate to the GTC Board.

Richard Perrin announced that Wayne E. Zyra, President of the Monroe County Legislature, appointed Legislator Robert Colby as his representative to the GTC Planning Committee and as his Alternate to the GTC Board.

Richard Perrin discussed the fiscal constraint issues of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) that were raised at the February 14, 2008 Planning Committee meeting and stated that GTC has not been affected by rollovers to the degree that other MPOs in the state have been. He added that GTC Chairperson Brooks, with the concurrence of the GTC Board at their March 13 meeting, directed GTC staff to conduct a TIP Project Delivery Review, including a comparison of programmed amounts to obligated amounts.

Richard informed the Planning Committee that the MPO directors and NYSDOT Regional Planning and Program Managers are meeting April 11, 2008 with NYSDOT Deputy Commissioner Karen Rae and Chief Financial Officer Michael Novakowski to discuss the STIP.

Ed Welsh noted that the analysis may show patterns that will allow us to develop better guidance to improve programming and project delivery.

Richard Perrin noted that we may also look at fund sources to gain flexibility. He added that all the information will be discussed at the TDC meeting.

Terry Rice asked about current project tracking capabilities. Richard Perrin responded that the GTC TIP database is being expanded to allow for the tracking of projects by cost and schedule, and that there is a NYSMPOs Shared Cost Initiative project to assess working with NYSDOT to accomplish this on a statewide basis.

Terry Rice asked if there is any update on the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act. Ed Welsh noted that NYSDOT Region 4 made an appeal to NYSDOT - Main Office because implementation will be difficult.

Rob Slaver noted that there is a proposal for the state to pay for municipal retrofits on snow and ice removal equipment.

Richard Perrin discussed the response to the public comments received on the Coordinated Road Surface Management System project proposed by the Towns of Lodi, Fayette, Mendon, and Phelps for the FY 2008-2009 UPWP. At the request of Kris Hughes at the February 14 Planning Committee meeting, GTC staff responded to the public commenters and project sponsors on March 21 that the roads included in the proposal were not federal-aid roads and did not have operational safety issues, resulting in the project being ineligible for UPWP funds. GTC staff suggested that the towns contact nearby municipalities that have used the Cornell Local Roads Program Road Surface Management System for insights on how to fund the project.

5. Action Items

a.      Planning Committee action concerning classifying 2008-2009 Unified Planning Work Program tasks in accordance with the GTC Public Participation Plan

Richard Perrin discussed the need for project classifications based on the GTC Public Participation Plan. He highlighted the public review requirements of each classification. He noted that justifications are presented in the package. He asked if there were any questions or comments.

Terry Rice noted that there will be outreach to the disabled community for Task 5530.

Scott Leathersich moved to approve classifying 2008-2009 Unified Planning Work Program tasks in accordance with the GTC Public Participation Plan; James Fletcher seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

b.      Recommendations to the GTC Board concerning accepting final reports as evidence of completion of various UPWP Tasks

Kris Hughes suggested recommending action on the two final reports under a single motion. The Committee concurred.

1.      Accepting the report, Palmyra Route 21 Truck Study, as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 6611 / Proposed Council Resolution 08-18

Richard Perrin discussed the study process and the recommendations.

Paul Johnson asked if there were specific measurements of noise and air quality and related conclusions. Richard Perrin responded that he did not know if these were addressed in the study. Paul stated that he thought the purpose of funding the study was to conduct these measurements and associated analysis.

2.      Accepting the facility reports for the RTS and Lift Line campuses as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8421 / Proposed Council Resolution 08-19

Dawn Sywulski discussed the facility reports for the RTS and LiftLine campuses and the methodology used to develop these reports. She explained which components were reviewed and the associated recommendations. She stated that the recommendations are being integrated into the RTS and LiftLine facility maintenance plans as well as the RGRTA capital program development process.

Terrence Rice moved to recommend approval of Proposed Council Resolutions 08-18 and 08-19; James Brady seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

c.      Approval of UPWP Project Scopes of Work

Kris Hughes suggested taking action on the two scopes of work under a single motion. The Committee concurred.

Richard Perrin introduced Mayor Hatheway from the Village of Geneseo.

1.      Task 6803 Village of Geneseo Circulation and Parking Study

Angelis Ellis discussed the scope of work for Task 6803.

2.      Task 6804 Dewey Avenue Corridor Traffic Calming Study

Ron Sassone discussed the scope of work and impetus for the study. He noted that the City of Rochester approached the Town of Greece to consider extending the study area into the City of Rochester to Ridge Road and that this was part of the project included in the current UPWP.

Terry Rice asked about the northern limit boundary. Ron responded that the northern boundary was Latta Road.

Scott Leathersich expressed concern that the scope does not include a capacity/operation analysis to ensure that the traffic calming measures do not result in unacceptable levels of delay along the corridor. Ron responded that a task to accomplish this would be included in the scope of work prior to the issuance of an RFP.

John Thomas thanked the Town of Greece for working with the City of Rochester to expand the study area, noting the similarities along the corridor in both municipalities.

James Fletcher moved to approve the Scopes of Work; John Thomas seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed.

6. New Business

Richard Perrin noted that copies of the FY 2008-2009 UPWP are available for distribution to members, alternates, and others after the meeting.

Richard Perrin informed the Committee that Kevin Beers has accepted a position with Pictometry in Texas. He acknowledged Kevin for his significant contributions to GTC and the Committee joined Richard in wishing Kevin luck in his new position.

Scott Leathersich noted an article offering National Highway Institute (NHI) training for project cost estimating. Richard responded that GTC staff would investigate the NHI course further and report back to the Committee.

7. Public Forum

No one from the public spoke during the Public Forum.

8. Next Meeting

May 8, 2008 at the Rochester City Council Chambers.

9. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.