GTC Board Meeting

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Event Date: 
Thursday, June 8, 2023 - 8:30am
RGRTA, 1372 East Main Street, Rochester

  1. Call to Order and Introductions

  1. Public Forum

  1. Approval of Minutes: February 23, 2023 Quarterly meeting
    1. Minutes from the April 13, 2023 Planning Committee meeting, and draft minutes from the May 18, 2023 Planning Committee meeting are provided for informational purposes

  1. Communications and Announcements
  2. Reports and Action on Old Business
  1. Planning Committee Report
  2. GTC Staff Report
  3. Old Business
    1. Federal Legislative and Funding Update
    2. TIP Staff Modifications
  1. Action Items
  1. Accepting reports as evidence of completion of UPWP tasks / Proposed Resolutions 23-7 through 23-9
    1. On-Route Charging Feasibility Study (UPWP Task 8553) / Proposed Resolution 23-7
    2. Regional Traffic Operations Center (RTOC) Strategic Plan (UPWP Task 5903) / Proposed Resolution 23-8
    3. Regional Village Local Service Study (UPWP Task 8543) / Proposed Resolution 23-9
  2. Amending the FY 2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program to reflect the contribution of actual FY 2022-2023 rollover amounts / Proposed Resolution 23-10
  3. Amending the FFYs 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program / Proposed Resolutions 23-11 through 23-14
    1. Increasing the Total Cost of the CR 4 at CR 20 Intersection Improvements project / Proposed Resolution 23-11 (Ontario County)
    2. Increasing the Total Cost of the Rt 31 from Rt 19 to Transit Way Safety Improvements project / Proposed Resolution 23-12 (NYSDOT)
    3. Increasing the Total Cost of the I-490 Bridges over Erie Canal and Kreag Rd project / Proposed Resolution 23-13 (NYSDOT)
    4. Changing the Fund Source of the Rt 15 Corridor Operation Enhancement Project / Proposed Resolution 23-14 (NYSDOT)
  4. Amending the National Performance Measures Report for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region and the FFYs 2023-2027 TIP by revising the Pavement and Bridge Condition, System Performance, Freight Performance, and Transit Asset Management Performance Targets / Proposed Resolution 23-15
  5. Authorizing an application to the Office of the Secretary of Transportation for a Planning and Demonstration Grant through the Safe Streets and Roads for All program
  1. New Business
  1. Discussion of NYS Legislation (A.5718/S.5959) allowing Risk Retention Groups which meet a minimum surplus requirement and which are registered in NYS to offer automobile insurance coverage to nonprofit organizations in this state
  1. Next Meeting: August 24, 2023 – RGRTA, 1372 East Main Street, Rochester
  2. Adjournment