Planning Committee Meeting

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Event Date: 
Thursday, August 6, 2020 - 10:00am

Virtual Meeting Location:

Approval of Minutes: May 9, 2020 Planning Committee meeting

Reports and Action on Old Business:

  1. Reports on UPWP Projects and Other Activities
  2. Any Other Old Business or Announcements
    1. Federal Legislative and Funding Update
    2. TIP Staff Modifications
  3. Long Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region 2045

Action Items:

  1. Action concerning consideration of UPWP Project Scope of Work
    1. Task 7952 – Ramp Reconfiguration Study
    2. Task 8171 – Livingston County Mobility Management Strategy
  2. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning accepting reports as evidence of completion of a UPWP Task
    1. Ontario County SR 364/CR 11 Active Transportation Plan as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 8777 / Proposed Council Resolution 20-29 (Ontario County)
    2. Land Use Report for Monroe County, New York – Major Projects Proposed, Approved, and Constructed in 2019 as evidence of completion of UPWP Task 4210 / Proposed Council Resolution 20-30 (Monroe County)
  3. Recommendation to the GTC Board concerning amending the National Performance Measures Report for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Region and the 2020-2024 Transportation Improvement Program by revising the HSIP and Highway Safety Performance Targets / Proposed Council Resolution 20-31
  4. Action and recommendation to the GTC Board concerning modifying and amending the 2020-2024 Transportation Improvement Program / Proposed Planning Committee Resolutions 20-11 through 20-18 and Proposed Council Resolutions 20-32 through 20-46