Plans & Studies

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The following is an inventory of plans and studies prepared by GTC or member agencies as part of the Unified Planning Work Program. For your convenience, this inventory can be sorted by UPWP Task Number, Title, Lead Agency, or Completion Date.

Note: The inventory below includes only plans and studies for which documents are readily available in electronic format. If a specific plan or study of interest is not listed below, please contact GTC at (585) 232-6240 for further information.

The following reports and publications are available for download in PDF: Due to the large file size, right click on the links below and then "Save Link As" (or "Save Target As") for an easier download.

Task # Title Lead Agency Date Sizesort ascending Area/Topic
6231 application/pdf icon Monroe County Accident Rate Database GIS Conversion Executive Summary
  • Monroe County
December 2012 1.03 MB Data Development, Collection, & Analysis
6620 application/pdf icon Route 332 Corridor Development Analysis - Phase II
  • Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)
March 2005 1.01 MB Corridor, Land Use, Municipal Planning
4380 application/pdf icon Intersection Accident Database Enhancement Project
  • Monroe County
January 2008 965.21 KB Data Development, Collection, & Analysis, Safety
5800 application/pdf icon Main Street Transportation Tools - Village of Warsaw
  • Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)
June 2003 869.7 KB Planning / Resources
5630 application/pdf icon NYS Route 96 Traffic Signal Coordination Study (Victor)
  • Town/Village
September 2007 865.59 KB Operations
8240 application/pdf icon Orleans County Strategic Plan for Public Transportation
  • Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA)
September 2002 718.18 KB Transit
8426 application/pdf icon RTS Access Ridership and Facility Evaluation
  • Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA)
September 2019 712.87 KB Transit
6100 application/pdf icon GTC TIP Management Enhancement Study
  • Genesee Transportation Council (GTC)
July 2005 652.2 KB Data Development, Collection, & Analysis
7702 application/pdf icon CAMP Transportation Demand Management - Focus Area Report
  • City of Rochester
May 2020 641.96 KB Transportation Access
5220 application/pdf icon Regional Development Analysis
  • Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)
November 2004 596.81 KB Land Use
7700 application/pdf icon Victor Transportation Systems Plan Executive Summary
  • Town/Village
June 2014 560.82 KB Municipal Planning
8210 application/pdf icon Regional Operational Service Efficiency Study Executive Summary
  • Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA)
February 2017 520.75 KB
6400 application/pdf icon Strategic Plan to Improve Access to Non-Emergency Medical Services (NEMS)
  • Genesee Transportation Council (GTC)
June 2004 469.06 KB Transportation Access
8766 application/pdf icon Town of Irondequoit Active Transportation Plan - Executive Summary
  • Town/Village
May 2017 462.17 KB Bicycle & Pedestrian, Municipal Planning
6530 application/pdf icon On-Street Bicycle Facility Opportunities Review
  • Genesee Transportation Council (GTC)
November 2007 453.5 KB Bicycle & Pedestrian
7115 application/pdf icon Greater Rochester Regional Commuter Choice Program
  • Genesee Transportation Council (GTC)
September 2012 418.97 KB Transportation Access
5375 application/pdf icon Cluster Development Enhancement Project Feasibility Study - Executive Summary
  • Wayne County
September 2011 416.5 KB Land Use, Planning / Resources
8260 application/pdf icon Wyoming County Strategic Plan for Public Transportation
  • Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA)
April 2003 382.55 KB Transit
5241 application/pdf icon Health Impact Assessment Process Insight Report
  • Common Ground Health
June 2018 329.97 KB Data Development, Collection, & Analysis, Planning / Resources
8540 application/pdf icon Super Transit Zones Development Study - Executive Summary
  • Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority (RGRTA)
April 2017 309.13 KB Transit
5620 application/pdf icon Greater Rochester Transportation Operations & Management Organization Feasibility Study
  • Genesee Transportation Council (GTC)
March 2006 291.59 KB Operations
8551 application/pdf icon Rochester Vehicle Fleet Alternative Fuels Systems Study
  • City of Rochester
September 2007 291.43 KB Municipal Planning, Operations
4230 application/pdf icon Inventory and Mapping of Regional Land Use Regulations - Executive Summary
  • Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)
September 2014 290.99 KB Data Development, Collection, & Analysis, Land Use, Planning / Resources
4370 application/pdf icon Regional Traffic Count Collection (2014-2015)
  • Genesee Transportation Council (GTC)
October 2015 290.29 KB Data Development, Collection, & Analysis
4103 application/pdf icon Genesee-Finger Lakes Local Update of Census Addresses 2020 (LUCA) Executive Summary
  • Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council (G/FLRPC)
May 2020 254.49 KB Data Development, Collection, & Analysis
